Author Topic: Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?  (Read 1114 times)


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I never used Photoshop but I have seen some REALY cool images made by it.

 Can GIMP's abilities be compared to Photoshop's?

Just curious.


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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #1 on: 29 August 2002, 12:32 »
Photoshop has some nice capabilities, so does The Gimp. But it takes quite a bit of experience and talent to make professional quality images on either of them. The Gimp would probably be considered to be a little harder to learn if you have zero experience with either of them.

Of course if you already have a lot of experience with Photoshop you might say The Gimp is very difficult to learn. However, the same arguments come out of long time Windows users trying out Linux for the first time.
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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #2 on: 29 August 2002, 23:35 »
I have to agree with VoidMain. Having used both I can say that Photoshop is a bit easier to get used to as a beginer compared to Gimp, which needs some time getting used to.


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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #3 on: 30 August 2002, 01:19 »
i can't get the hang of the gimp, so whenever I need to / want to make a graphic I have to reboot into windows.. oh well.


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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #4 on: 30 August 2002, 01:23 »
i disagree. i found gimp easier and i got used to the basics of each at the same time. i would recommend gimp more to be honest. i found it more intuitive. Some of the stuff i was trying to do for weeks can be done with a couple of clicks in gimp.

Not to mention that GIMP is free. and it runs on linux as well as on windows. photoshop only runs on windows and macOS so if you are seriously considering it as an option then you are probably using windows, are you not? so why is this in the 'UNIX' section?

anyway, my vote is for the GIMP. however if you have used photoshop, you will possibly lose patience with GIMP depending on how eager you are to be pissed off with it. one of my mates still reckons that GIMP is not as good as photoshop and i think this is purely due to his familiarity with one and his unwillingness to give the other a fair go.

he still prefers windows 98 and internet explorer would you believe.
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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #5 on: 30 August 2002, 01:35 »
THe GIMP is on par with PS4 and around there. And you can do pretty much anything you can do with Photoshop on the GIMP. The truth is, people made great looking stuff with PS2 back in the day and they can still do just as good a stuff today.

My point is that it's not the tool you use, but rather the talent you have. It's gonna take alot of work and dedication to get good looking art out of anything you settle on.

The GIMP is not as functional as the new photoshop wich has many usefull tools and filters, but it's functional enugh.

As a program, I still think PS7 is superior, But you can't beat the price on the GIMP.


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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #6 on: 30 August 2002, 02:30 »
Originally posted by Calum:

 if you are seriously considering it as an option then you are probably using windows, are you not? so why is this in the 'UNIX' section?

he still prefers windows 98 and internet explorer would you believe.

Am using WIN not by choice but cause I have a class that deals with Word and excell. And its in the Unix section because i am mainly an X user.

[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]

[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]



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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #7 on: 30 August 2002, 02:51 »
gimp is every bit as easy to use AND as powerful as photoshop... jack with either for a while and (with a vision) you will be cranking out exactly what you need.

i use both windows/photoshop and linux/gimp.  i make no attempt to hide that i boot back into winders for games and stuff.  if thats where i am when i need to make an image, the cracked copy of PS works nicely


[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

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Sleeping Dog

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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #8 on: 30 August 2002, 03:02 »
My girlfriend is a commercial artist and uses PhotoShop 6 on a MAC.  It has some VERY powerful features.  I am still running an older Win version of PS 5.5 and I have barely scratched the surface of its capabilities (and does occasionally crash this 1.2 GIG machine with 1 GIG of RAM....but what else do you expect from a Windows app.)

I'm looking forward to trying the GIMP and doing an in depth comparison.  I will also let my sweetie try it too for a "professional" opinion.

Sleeping Dog


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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #9 on: 31 August 2002, 03:11 »
somebody mentioned earlier that photoshop was better than gimp because it had more filters, well, for gods'sake! have you heard of downloading?

i've got photoshop 6 and a shitload of plugins. none of that stuff is installed, because since windows last fucked up and needed reinstalled, i have been using gimp for any images i want to do. i don't really do art, i'm not too visual, i just do buttons for my site, touch up photos, put grain on them and so on, so i am not really a power image dude or anything, but what i'm saying is that you can download a shitload of great plugins for gimp. just like you can do with photoshop. just because one program comes ith some stuff does not make it any better than another program where you need to download the stuff yrself. That's like saying IE is better than mozilla and opera because it
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Hey guys. Can Gimp do all the nice things that Photoshop can do?
« Reply #10 on: 31 August 2002, 16:56 »
good point calum
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