Author Topic: USA ISP -linux RED HAT 7.3  (Read 678 times)


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USA ISP -linux RED HAT 7.3
« on: 16 August 2002, 03:10 »
Why Red Hat dont have internet service provider in USA. How I can setup ISP USA or connect to MSN or connecto to NetZero? Anyone help me. I am new user linux. Thanks

[ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: POR ]


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USA ISP -linux RED HAT 7.3
« Reply #1 on: 16 August 2002, 07:19 »
Huh?  RedHat is not an ISP. You can use any "normal" ISP that supports PPP.  What ISP do you normally use?  Netzero will probably not work.  The last time I used them they only had a proprietary Windows dialer.  Same goes for AOL.  And I would never use MSN, but I would assume since it is owned by Microsoft that you would never be able to dial into their network without a Windows based client, but that is an assumption, I do not know that to be fact.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...