Author Topic: MS Smartphone cracked  (Read 912 times)


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MS Smartphone cracked
« on: 15 January 2003, 18:38 »
Earlier, I posted a thread on this forum about Linux on cell phones. It appeared certain company's didn't quite trust Linux, because they thought it could be cracked because of the open source code of the kernel (not the applications attachted to it).
Company's like Nokia, Siemens and Orange trusted Microsoft and Symbian more than a Linux OS for their cell phones.

Now it appears, Orange SPV Microsoft Smartphones are easy to crack.
There's also a simmular method that takes advantage of a bug.


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MS Smartphone cracked
« Reply #1 on: 15 January 2003, 19:38 »
i could say a lot but it's already been said and i know that it is about to be said by somebody else anyway. no matter what we say here, how many mistakes will it take before these business stop putting their tech in the hands of these cowboys?
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MS Smartphone cracked
« Reply #2 on: 15 January 2003, 20:03 »
Most businesses tend to ask large tech companies to built programs for them, when it could be done cheaper and better.

I mean, what if IBM hadn't asked Microsoft to built their OS, but another company that could do it cheaper and much better?


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MS Smartphone cracked
« Reply #3 on: 15 January 2003, 20:29 »
what like Digital Research and Seattle Computer?

at the time, microsoft was a company who could do it cheaper and better and in fact IBM did go to Digital Research first, but they didn't seem very professional so the young and dribbling Gates slimed his way into the deal.

In fact microsoft's ability to do these things cheaper and better but to actually do them in a half arsed and expensive way is the result of their success in the long run.

[ January 15, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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MS Smartphone cracked
« Reply #4 on: 15 January 2003, 23:04 »
Yay!  Does this mean i can install Linux on it now?  ;)


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MS Smartphone cracked
« Reply #5 on: 15 January 2003, 23:39 »
Go ahead. You are allowed to install more OS's on your IBM or IBM-clone than just Microsoft PC-DOS.

Or you choose not to install any Microsoft OS's at all!


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MS Smartphone cracked
« Reply #6 on: 16 January 2003, 06:35 »
better yet, when are the pointy haired bosses going to remove themselves from what is essentially a tech decision.

even just allowing the geeks of the underworld the power of veto would be a step in the right direction.  far fewer ms apps would get slick-sold to corporations that way....
from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.
