Operating Systems > macOS
Apple to get sued
quote:Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
If MS can TM Windows then Apple should be able to trademark something as specific as Jaguar or Panther.
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Im just saying that maybe the open group has a case.
OH well. Its been a while since I've posted here and apple is still around. No cause for alarm i guess.
quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
Im just saying that maybe the open group has a case.
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they do.... but will they want money or will they want apple to change the name. In "the perfect world" they would just want (maybe) a compensation for money they lost and for apple to change the name. But I suspect they will just want a lot of "doh" and let Apple keep the name cus they just want the money. I think they are just using this naming thing as a way of getting money... not serving justice or changing anything.
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