Author Topic: why does Hotmail exist?  (Read 2443 times)


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why does Hotmail exist?
« on: 17 October 2002, 06:22 »
why does MS have Hotmail for free?

Doctor V

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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #1 on: 17 October 2002, 06:25 »
Get a hotmail account, wait 2 days count the junk mails you get.  Is M$ selling hotmail adresses to spammers?



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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #2 on: 17 October 2002, 06:36 »
Same reason McDonald's has happy meals.(a loss leader)

To hook you into a brand name, and bombard you with M$ propoganda every time you check your "hot mail"
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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #3 on: 17 October 2002, 07:03 »
does anybody remember when HoTMaiL was indy? Or is my memory flawed?
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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #4 on: 17 October 2002, 21:07 »
i haven't gotten any spam at all and i've had my email account with them for more than 2 months.
i do NOT have the junk filter on (because it throws 'reply to thread' emails in the garbage) and i do not have any denied senders.


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #5 on: 17 October 2002, 12:05 »
I think I agree, Hotmail DOES send your address to spammers. I've gotten a shitload of pr0n spams, it's made me wonder if some porn sites(hint hint) use exploits/cookies to get your adderess. That's probably a little too far fetched for most sites though, MS giving out your addy is a perfect explanation.

I've got plenty of non porn spam too. Hey, I had my account for a very long time, a few years no doubt. In it's earlier times it had low amounts of spam. Nowadays it's a spam magnet.  :D

Luckily I now use myrealbox(thanks for converting me!), not one spam yet. I used to think that those spam dudes were just too smart for the Hotmail filter, turns out my filter was probably half decent, it was MS's fault.  ;)
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #6 on: 22 October 2002, 02:12 »
I have held more than a dozen hotmail addresses, and some have been spammed to death whilst others receive only a few spam.  I doubt that M$ really SELLS your address, although who is to say what happens if an M$ employee lands a job with an advertising company.  However, the truth is probably a lot simpler.  Spammers gather their addresses from hundreds of sources, and there are now some very large compilations of valid e-mail addresses on CD ROM.  All you have to do is give out your e-mail address to one firm, or buy a domain name, or leave the address somewhere, like ICQ or a bulletin board, and your address is at risk of being entered on the next free CD Rom of e-mail addresses.

However there is something more obvious.  Since virtually every hotmail address that you can think of is taken, spammers can simply GUESS your address.  They have millions of words, and numbers that they can combine by computer in every possible way, then they simply elliminate the bounces. Every one, two, and three word combination in the dictionary, as well as all names and numbers have been tested to find working addreses.  Your best bet is to try a really weird and unusual combination that won't be eaisily found by a computer, such as [email protected].  All combinations of letters and numbers less than about 10 digits have been tested and tried.  A better bet is to have a different address, unrelated to hotmail, where there are too few users to justify guessing names (i.e. not AOL).
I L M$'s $$$$ (means I love their Dollars)


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #7 on: 22 October 2002, 07:36 »
ok cool, i guess i'm just lucky enough to not get spammed up the ass.

weeeeeeee i'm special!  


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #8 on: 27 October 2002, 02:34 »
Microsoft wants to read your e-mmils. Thats why hotmail exists.


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #9 on: 27 October 2002, 02:45 »
The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob: does anybody remember when HoTMaiL was indy? Or is my memory flawed?

No, your memory rules because it's UNIX based    .

I can remember it too...

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[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #10 on: 28 October 2002, 16:49 »
While we're on the subject of hotmail, i encountered a very peculiar thing with it today. Today I finally cast off the shackles of IE and moved to Mozilla (god I love ad-free web browsing), and I had to fire off a quick email from my hotmail account. However I noticed one small difference - in Mozilla the Add/Remove attachments button was missing in the compose mail window........but it was there when I accessed hotmail using IE. Has anybody else encountered anything similar? Oh well, I guess I'll just finally abandon the hotmail account completely and rely totally upon my yahoo one (spam free for nearly 3 years and counting!)

[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: TB ]


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #11 on: 28 October 2002, 18:33 »
It's free because they can't find a way to screw money out of you - yet.

"...Microsoft launched a
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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #12 on: 28 October 2002, 23:16 »
Originally posted by zooloo / bob:
It's free because they can't find a way to screw money out of you - yet.

"...Microsoft launched a
Linux user #283039

Gosh, I love Linux Quake.


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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #13 on: 29 October 2002, 05:20 »
hey, any of you guys remember that free POP3/IMAP thing that some other computer company used to have... their name had something to do with fruit... it used to be really popular then they started charging money for it... oh well...

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why does Hotmail exist?
« Reply #14 on: 29 October 2002, 10:29 »
I heard someone mention Mozilla... Ive heard they are nutorious for using Spyware in that product... is that true? I heard it on The Screen Savers [ ] on TechTV [ ] Just wanted to know if it was true..
Out of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. -Ozzy Osborne

mn- micro-nazism - from the post comparing Gates to Hitler. I did not make up this term, "micro-nazism", i merely use it.