Author Topic: iBook logic board failures  (Read 4397 times)


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iBook logic board failures
« on: 20 September 2003, 02:08 »
AppleCrap Hardware Review: iBook failures

Great, just great. How much you wanna bet the affected ones are the Radeon-equipped iBooks, and the issue is heat-related? Do the Radeon-powered iBooks have fans? I know the Rage 128 ones don't.

Steve and his obsession with fanless computers.
Go the fuck ~


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #1 on: 20 September 2003, 02:28 »
Originally posted by jimmy james having a bad day:
Steve and his obsession with fanless computers.

I was gonna say something about the logic boards of mac users, but that line is far better  :D  

But seriously. A fanless laptop. That's insane...


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #2 on: 20 September 2003, 03:37 »
my iBook 600 with a rage 128 has a fan.... it almost never turns off too.
But steve does have some strange need for a fanless computer.  Oh wait... the G5 has 9.  I guess its all or none.

And who the FUCK at apple started calling their Mother Boards logic boards????  I can guarantee that they have no logic.  They just execute a set of commands, they don't think of the commands themselves.  Mother much more accurately describes what it does.  A mother controls everything that has to do with her smaller beings or parts.  So does the mother board.

[ September 19, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #3 on: 20 September 2003, 03:43 »
your book has a fan?!?!

mine either doesn't, or it never runs. It's beside the point anyway. it seems the Rage 128 ibooks don't suffer from this problem, as it's iBooks that are around a year to a year and a half old... that's the Radeon-powered ones... that are at risk.

I'm suddenly glad I don't have Quartz Extreme support
Go the fuck ~


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #4 on: 20 September 2003, 04:07 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
I can guarantee that they have no logic.  They just execute a set of commands, they don't think of the commands themselves.

Of course they do. How can they execute commands if they "don't have logic"? They have microprocessors on them thus they have logic circuits. And if you're trying to say that motherboards have only processors, but no software, built into them, then that isn't true either.
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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #5 on: 20 September 2003, 05:52 »
"logic board" dates back to the days when Macs had two boards... the "logic board" which contained all the solid-state ICs and microprocessors... and the "analog board" which was the power inverters, transformers, giant capacitors, et cetera, that provide power to the computer
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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #6 on: 20 September 2003, 22:46 »
Originally posted by flap:

Of course they do. How can they execute commands if they "don't have logic"? They have microprocessors on them thus they have logic circuits. And if you're trying to say that motherboards have only processors, but no software, built into them, then that isn't true either.

they don't have logic.  they cannot make decisions for themselves.  They can only execute commands based on other commands.  They can only compare and contrast different options if programmed to.  They can not "think" therefore they have no logic.


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #7 on: 21 September 2003, 23:34 »
I don't think you understand what "logic" means in the context of computers. All computers 'have logic'  in the algebraic (not the philosophical) sense - that's their raison d'etre. All a computer is is a logic machine.
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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #8 on: 22 September 2003, 00:21 »
Originally posted by flap:
I don't think you understand what "logic" means in the context of computers. All computers 'have logic'  in the algebraic (not the philosophical) sense - that's their raison d'etre. All a computer is is a logic machine.

i guess we just have two different definitions of logic then.  As you said.  I mean it in a more philisophical sense.  For instance, a computer could never think of the idea of freedom unless it was programmed to, so unless some idiot programs into computers to want freedom, at our current technology state, computer will never want freedom... or want anything for that matter.


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #9 on: 22 September 2003, 03:48 »


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #10 on: 22 September 2003, 06:42 »
I've never been a fan of ATI.  But all I know is that Steve and  Al aren't doing a good job running the company.

If I were made CEO of Apple.  I can garentee a ton of shit would be different.
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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #11 on: 22 September 2003, 06:53 »
I don't know if they're good at running the company, but they sure do innovate!

I guess if I were CEO, I'd spend loads of money on marketing to promote OS X. I'd buy out a few companies like Sun and SGI and churn out a supermega word processor which would rival M$ Office. I would start an Apple gaming division, as well as a porting division to get more apps on the Mac. And, of course, I would make dirt cheap machines, dramatically lower prices, and introduce an 'upgrade your PC to a Mac' programme.

But, for now, I guess I should concentrate on my school work.


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iBook logic board failures
« Reply #12 on: 24 September 2003, 06:28 »
Originally posted by jimmy james having a bad day:
AppleCrap Hardware Review: iBook failures

Great, just great. How much you wanna bet the affected ones are the Radeon-equipped iBooks, and the issue is heat-related? Do the Radeon-powered iBooks have fans? I know the Rage 128 ones don't.

Steve and his obsession with fanless computers.

The Radeon iBooks (mine at least, and I have a low end model) have fans. The issue could be heat related, but I don't think so...mine has come on a few times. Mostly while I'm doing a lot of intensive work and charging at the same time.

I will be purchasing AppleCare towards the end of my 1 year warranty...I recommend everyone with iBooks do so covers you for 2 more years if the logic board craps out.