Author Topic: I'm so happy, I think I might cry !!  (Read 772 times)


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I'm so happy, I think I might cry !!
« on: 24 December 2002, 02:43 »
Well, maybe not quite but I am very happy. Installed Suse Linux 8.0 Professional to use at work and I am 98% Windows free !! I just need windows for one application. If things work out, who knows, I might get to deploy Linux corporate wide. As XP starts to creep into our desktop, the daily security updates are beginning to wear us down. Ahhhhhh, it's lovely to be free.
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I'm so happy, I think I might cry !!
« Reply #1 on: 24 December 2002, 03:23 »
i think now is the time for it to unceremoniously creep out again too. congratulations on your triumph and good luck in the further implementation of linux.
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I'm so happy, I think I might cry !!
« Reply #2 on: 24 December 2002, 05:05 »
Shed your tears upon the XP boxes.

Wet their little insides and make them go pop.

I hope to follow your lead - OSS is cool.

Open Source Software - What is the compelling reason to use anything else?


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I'm so happy, I think I might cry !!
« Reply #3 on: 24 December 2002, 05:35 »
Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
I just need windows for one application.

Just curious, but what might that fabled one application be? Maybe the people here know/can find a Linux replacement.
GS/CS d- s-: a--- C++ UL+ P+ L++>+++ E W++ N>+ o K- w-- O- M V? PS+>++ PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5+ X R tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e>++++ h! r- y
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall


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I'm so happy, I think I might cry !!
« Reply #4 on: 24 December 2002, 19:49 »
The application is IBM Client Access Express for the IBM iSeries. It's a PC connectivity application that allows a PC to connect to the iSeries(AKA AS400) using SNA 5250 emulation. I know IBM are working on a Java version which will effectively kill the reliance on Windoze. If I could get that issue sorted out I would deploy Linux corporate wide in a heart beat !

Linux installed flawlesly too. Soundcard, NIC card the lot just slotted into place. Better result than I got at home. I use a modem to connect to the internet on my home PC and it's one of those dodgey Winmodems. I lose my connection from time to time so I might buy an external modem. Plus I can't get my Montego soundcard configured correctly either which is no big deal. I don't use my home PC for games or playing CDs. My kid uses Windoze 98 for games.

Too much information ?!!
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.