Operating Systems > macOS

An interesting question

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quote:In a manner of speaking. Linux programs have to be recompiled for the PPC processer. The majority of programs can be recompiled with very few changes, if at all.
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misleading. You mean that GNU programs can be recompiled to run on OSX, and so can other open source programs, so long as they are compiled for the new system. As you say, you can get them precompiled, or if you have the source (not usually with win32/DOS programs, a normal occurence with many *nix/all GNU programs) you can recompile yourself.
Linux programs cannot be recompiled for OSX, in the same way that windows apps cannot be recompiled for it. If, however, you have the source code, they can be recompiled but *then* they will no longer be linux/windows apps.

CDEX is a windows program, and it's open source too, i say it's a windows program because it can be downloaded as a win32 executable, but if i knew how, i bet i could get the source and recompile it for BSD/GNU/Linux/OSX whatever.

Sorry to sound like i am laying into you but i think it is important not to be misleading or ambiguous when it comes to this sort of thing. Ambiguousness only leads to a false elitism.

[ June 20, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

None the less, changes to source code are few if any. This is very true, and a definit plus side for OSX. Programmers don't have to work to hard to port programs....

Hmmm... there is the word! Port, recompiling is essentialy porting  :D . That's not misleading.

But ya, GNU and OpenSource apps are what he is refering to. At least that is the impression I got.

No one physically forces users to use Windows but the fact that M$ refuses to release file formats to competitors leaves business users (the rich end of the market) to keep using MS so they can open their old MS Office docs without spending months coverting them.

I sell Linux for a living and their are lots of people who would swap to Linux if they could be sure they'd be able to open their old files.

Opening M$ file format specs would be the only way to level the playing field.

Go on judge, make my day!


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