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At MacGIMP.org they claim to help you get GIMP running on OSX, so far I have not found any instructions on how to get gimp working on my Mac, Can someone tell me how?

P.S. So far I have XDarwin installed, Fink Installed, GTK Dled, and GIMP DLed.

when I tell fink to DL gimp by /sw/bin/fink install gimp, it always fails to get the file (which is correct) on the FTP server. So then when I try to install GIMP by ./configure it says I need GTK, Then when installing GTK by ./configure it goes until it says Could not guess host, please specify System Host. I don't know how to specify the host

Please Help, Please,

Thanks in advance

[ April 16, 2002: Message edited by: Billy Gates ]

Hey, I hate fink      

I guess it's cool if you can get it to work, but I had that thing running all night and it still didn't work right.

My suggestion is that you d-load XFree86 for the mac and run it. You say you have XDarwin so I suppose you already do. Now all you need to do is d-load the MacGIMP disk image. It was real hard to find, the website gives you the runaround cuz they want you to pay. Anyway, once you locate the disk image just use the regualr OSX installer, i.e. double click the packadge file    :D   , hows that UNIX nerds    ;)   .


Once that's done, it puts everything in the apropriate directories for you so next time you boot in to XDarwin you can give the macgimp command in the shell, or double click the MacGIMP aplication in OSX to get it to boot up.

You don't need KDE, GNOME, or anything other than the standard X11 window manager to get it to work. This is kinda why I don't like fink, it's huge and unreliable. I had to boot in to OS 9, just to locate and delete all of the hidden crap it dumps all over your system.

GIMP is a nice program, but photoshop is WAY better.

I'll post the link if I can find that disk image again. Basically I typed in MacGIMP.dmg in google and it linked to some obscure FTP directory and I got it.

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

I searched for macgimp.dmg and gimp.dmg at every search engine I could find. Altavista, AskJeeves, Excite, Google, GO, Lycos, Webcrawler, Yahoo, Xoron

Could not find it, do you still have the dmg file?

Yep I have the DMG. Do you have an FTP I could upload to?

It's roughly 150MB.

I'll see if I can find the FTP I found it on.

Let me know how we could arange this transaction if I can't turn up the link again    

Try this link, there is a d-load link at the bottom of the page:


let me know if this is what you want.

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

ok, I'm downloading it from Tech TV, if it doesn't work I'll get an FTP or something up.


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