Author Topic: Why M$ are gonna fail  (Read 1414 times)


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« on: 8 October 2002, 22:43 »
Well this one appeared on the front page. It's actually rather sucsinct in what it has to say. i.e. When a software product is complete and a customer has the resources to run it, M$ loose out. Hence the need for subsciption software.
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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #1 on: 8 October 2002, 23:31 »
Yeah.. typical Microsoft... "We screwed up, it's your fault."

Just like Bill Gates once said about Windows: "Windows is bug free. These so called bugs are user errors."

And a year later, Bill Gates said that Microsoft would bring out more frequent bugfixes. What's this Bill? I thought Windows didn't had bugs?


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #2 on: 9 October 2002, 16:32 »
Bah! Microsoft is blaming people because we have different views.

I saw this scheme it said on the box in a huge sticker (what I can remember):

Microsoft Office XP: $1299 Or you can pay only $400 a year for unlimited upgrades and technical support.

Bah! I'd pay the $1299 if I was forced to get it. I'm perfectly content with Office 2000 though (I know, it's M$ but I use it at school, it is basically a necissity to use MS Office). Office XP is just like Office 2000 so there is no need to upgrade. Better yet don't follow my example and use Open Source software.


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #3 on: 9 October 2002, 18:08 »
office 2000 is exactly the same as office 97 also.

some office suites are starting to be compatible with M$' file types anyway, although what we really need is for M$' file types to cease to be so much of a 'standard' and for people to stop rudely demanding their stuff in word documents.

This happened to my girlfriend this week. she submitted her work to her editor as text files and jpeg files and he responded with a nonsensical missive telling her to attach folders of word documents instead next time. what a dumbass, so now she will have to ring him up and ask him what he is talking about because sending pictures embedded in word documents, instead of jpegs via email seems really dumb, let alone his moronic 'send attachments as folders' comment.

And this editor uses a mac! what must the windoids be like!?!?!?!

sorry, rant over...
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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #4 on: 9 October 2002, 18:23 »
Originally posted by Calum:
office 2000 is exactly the same as office 97 also.

some office suites are starting to be compatible with M$' file types anyway, although what we really need is for M$' file types to cease to be so much of a 'standard' and for people to stop rudely demanding their stuff in word documents.

This happened to my girlfriend this week. she submitted her work to her editor as text files and jpeg files and he responded with a nonsensical missive telling her to attach folders of word documents instead next time. what a dumbass, so now she will have to ring him up and ask him what he is talking about because sending pictures embedded in word documents, instead of jpegs via email seems really dumb, let alone his moronic 'send attachments as folders' comment.

And this editor uses a mac! what must the windoids be like!?!?!?!

sorry, rant over...

This guy is an arsehole and should be ashamed of himself as a "Mac" user. Thankfully, not every Mac user uses M$ word or Office, eventhough it would be very convenient in most cases when you have *.doc files lying around and can't get AppleWorks convert them for you.

Take me for example. I have numerous assignments written in Office 97 and I couldn't get them to open in AppleWorks. So I had to save them all as *.rtf files and open them with TextEdit (a text editor). Of course all my previous format was gone. No tables, no numbering, bulleting etc but who cares. As long as I'm M$ free I don't mind   . (This applies for Greek and not English *.doc files which AppleWorks opens correctly)


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #5 on: 9 October 2002, 19:00 »
the editor in question used to be editor of the daily telegraph. we don't know, but we wonder, why he is no longer editor there and instead he now edits a (fairly rubbishy) entertainment reviewing website.

Anyway, that's not relevant... why are M$ going to fail then?
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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #6 on: 9 October 2002, 19:22 »
Because the only way they can continue selling large amounts of software like Office is by subscription - because we are currently at a dead end for such applications, the only way people will buy new office stuff is if it does something they really need, so they are trying to make people subscribe - which is failing...thanks to France, Australia and...bugger I've forgotten. I thought the article said it better than me.

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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #7 on: 9 October 2002, 21:38 »
I think there is a variety of reasons that will contribute to their failure, problem is, we don't know what will happen. That's why I am so uncomfortable, I mean what if alot of windoids don't mind TCPA, what if they do mind it eventually, but it is too late and irreperably intergrated into alot of computers? There is more reasons then this im sure.

I think it would be good if there was a site called "Microsoft watch". It lists everything that could damage MS, and everything that could strengthen MS. Every month it is updated with news on MS financial status, financial changes, happenings over the past month, and "prophecies check", any change in the status of a reason for failure or success is noted.

In addition, there could be a "case history", which starts from the begining of MS, and details all there ups and downs.

Cool site idea eh? Would be nice if someone here could try making a site like that. MES tells us that MS sucks, but opinions and randomly posted news articles are all we have to check their pulse.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: lazygamer ]

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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #8 on: 10 October 2002, 01:01 »
Plus we only talk between ourselves and not to people outside these forums on the net.

Hey its a good idea though, anybody want to lend me dreamweaver mx?


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #9 on: 10 October 2002, 03:29 »
I think it would be good if there was a site called "Microsoft watch". It lists everything that could damage MS, and everything that could strengthen MS.

The Register already does this fine job   ;)  
Almost every day you can find a rant about M$, and they're always among the first to mention stuff.
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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #10 on: 10 October 2002, 04:32 »
Hey Panos,

If you have trouble converting Word files just save them as Word 6 files, they should open fine.

I don't know why you are having trouble, I regularly convert Word 2001 files back and fourth in AppleWorks.


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #11 on: 10 October 2002, 04:46 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
Hey Panos,

If you have trouble converting Word files just save them as Word 6 files, they should open fine.

I don't know why you are having trouble, I regularly convert Word 2001 files back and fourth in AppleWorks.

English doc files work great in AppleWorks but Greek ones unfortunately don't. So I was presented with two options:

A) Either buy M$ word for Mac which was immediately ruled out    :D  

B) or convert my files to rtf format (unfortunately saving them in Word 6 format doesn't work for the Greek language) and lose my formatted text

There are other solutions like OpenOffice but it's a major download (156 MBs I think) and I'm on dialup so I'll take a raincheck on that. There are also some cool little apps that convert character sets back and forth. Cyclone, which I've tried to use without success, is one of them.


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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #12 on: 10 October 2002, 14:36 »
How much more could they possibly improve their office suite. Other than the interface and a few small changes and bug fixes, the office suites cant get any better. Its the same with the operating system itself. This is why so many didnt move from Win98 to Win XP. The only reason to upgrade would be so that if someone you know created a office xp document, you probably cant view it in office 97, so you either upgrade, or get left behind. $1300 so you can type seems a bit much. "But it has a spell checker!!!"  I have my sister using Star Office on her Windows Me box, and she loves it. She has created a few power point presentations with it, and does her reports on it. Star Office isnt free, but $50, is a lot cheaper than $130 for the student evaluation version of MS Office, or the $1300 for the full version. As long as MS charges this outrageous price, people(including Windows users) will investigate alternatives
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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #13 on: 10 October 2002, 14:54 »
Originally posted by Panos:

There are other solutions like OpenOffice but it's a major download (156 MBs I think) and I'm on dialup so I'll take a raincheck on that. There are also some cool little apps that convert character sets back and forth. Cyclone, which I've tried to use without success, is one of them.


which i think will allow you to cheaply buy openoffice.org1.01 via mail order. I cannot read greek, so i am not sure how much it is or anything like that...
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Why M$ are gonna fail
« Reply #14 on: 10 October 2002, 15:51 »
Originally posted by Calum:


which i think will allow you to cheaply buy openoffice.org1.01 via mail order. I cannot read greek, so i am not sure how much it is or anything like that...

Calum thanks for the links man! I really had no idea you could buy OpenOffice CDs from Greece so I feel a bit ashamed right now   :rolleyes:  that I hadn't noticed before.

However the first one doesn't offer the OS X version of OpenOffice, just the windows and Linux ones   :(  I don't know about the second site (mathima meaning lesson) because it was down for server maintenance but I'll check it out later.

Thanks again Calum