looks that way, doesn't it? while i was under the impression that the qt/kde thing was now all open source, so that's all right then, i am happy that GNOME looks like it might be closing, or have already closed, the gap between itself and KDE.
i think i will be eager to try out the new GNOME...
hey! is this version of GNOME the same one i will be getting with the download edition of Mandrake 9.0, or did we just miss that one? I'll need to go and chack that one out.
re: does it look like OSX, not so sure, looks more like KDE to me!

and what is it with linux desktops that try to look like solaris? granted this is just solaris wallpaper, but still... what's the reason?
oh i get it! they're showing you can theme it like other desktop environments! i like this one:
Think Different, unless you want Apple to sue you.
[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]