You can run GNOME, KDE, Enlightenment, and WindowMaker on OSX. I understand teh concepts, it's pretty cool.
The thing that even got me on this crap was messing with this App, that turns the Finder 3d. So browsing your files becomes more like playing some wierd FPS.
Anyway, it occured to me that things can be done in a diffrent way, and if I were one of those programmers out to change the world like the open source folks, I would probably be trying things in a VERY diffrent way.
To say tht GUI's are irelivant when it comes to the OS is only partialy true. The fact that they are so prevalent is testament to their importance.
In the early days of the Mac OS, the whole concept was branded WIMP environment by UNIX heads. Who thought the whole thing was stupid and ludacriss, and yet Many UNIX programms now REQUIRE GUI software in order to be able to use.
So that's my take on that. As for inovation, I think open source is the way to go. We just need more open source "innovators"

to build something truely Revolutionary.
NOTE: I am talking in reffrence to *NIX's as a desktop common user platform, not as a high-end workstation or server which I don't think anyone would deny it's TOTAL inovation and supperiority.
[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]