Operating Systems > macOS
Chimera rocks!!
Actually, for technical reasons, I dumped Omniweb, and am full-on Chimera baybay! ;)
I have come to abuse tabbed browsing like a mofo (tabbed browsing rules, btw), and I'm on dialup Example : right now, I have three windows, this one has 8 tabs, the other two have 12 and 4, respectively... it annoys the hell out of my friends (I switch between them constantly)
I can hardly wait for Chimera 1.0
Chimera will take Omniweb's spot as the premiere Cocoa browser.
It pulled me away from Mozilla 1.1, so, yeah. It's good.
But I agree with the sparce UI. It's rather annoying to not even be able to close a tab without heading up to the File menu.
I just hit Apple+W to close a tab. It's faster than menu's or clicking. I'm a big fan of keybord navigation, yet another reason why I don't understand the "Mac's don't have a 2 button mouse argument", your faster if you use the keyboard anyway, and you can navigate the entire interface with the Keyboard alone, so who's complaining?
A message I posted on another board about Chimera and Mozilla:
I tried Chimera/Navigator again right after using Mozilla, and there are some things Chimera dfinitely has in it's favor:
1) It IS faster!
2) Using the zoom button really does zoom it to full screen, unlike Mozilla, which for some reason I can't figure out, stops the zoom about 200 pixels from the right of the screen, so that my desktop icons are still visible (Even if my icons are hidden). I have to manually resize Mozilla to get full screen, and that's a pain.
4) When all browser windows are closed and I click Mozilla in the dock, it just switches to Mozilla, and I have to hit cmd+1 or cmd+N to open a new window. When all Chimera Windows and closed and I click it, a new window opens.
Personal preference I guess, but when I click a browser icon and no windows are open, I want one to open.
And yes, I know Omniweb has options for this too, but like I said: no tabbed windows? Sorry buddy. Won't use it. I especially like bookmarking GROUPS of tabs, which both Mozilla and Chimera support.
So, I'm back to two main browsers.
Main things I want in Chimera before I switch to it full time?
2) The "view page info" option. That feature fucking rules!! (anyone who has ever gone to a page with a cool .swf or .mov file embedded in it knows it can be a pain looking for the file in the page source. With View Info, every aspect of a multimedia page is listed for your perusal and saving.
3) Skins (yes, I know about Chimericon, but I still like mozilla's skin options better.
4) Mozilla's NAV BAR. That rules too, once you get used to it. Unfortunately, most websites don't add the code to support it. It's easy too if you add simple <link rel=> tags.
5) I really hope Chimera adds spell checking like OmniWeb. All pure Cocoa apps are supposed to have it. Even Photoshop has spell checking.
I still like both, but I will see myself moving to Chimera full time as soon as more features are added.
quote: 5) I really hope Chimera adds spell checking like OmniWeb. All pure Cocoa apps are supposed to have it. Even Photoshop has spell checking.
--- End quote ---
The problem with that is (this has been discussed in other fora) that to be spell-check happy, it has to have cocoa guts, and Chimera/Mozilla are Gecko InsideĀ
What I want to see in Chimera:
More contextual menu ability
WAAAY more preferences/options... more preference panes (but that is a 1.0 deal, lets work on stability for now, I can wait )
In the sidebar, there should be a history tab too(like omniweb) with the option of manually deleting certain pages out of the history.
In other words, more interface work is what I want.
More may come as I think of them.
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