Author Topic: Carving up Apple  (Read 3471 times)


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #15 on: 15 May 2003, 05:58 »
Back on topic.  I would not mind seeing Apple break up.  Especially if it caused the release of Marklar.  The only readon I use Apple products is for OSX.  While their hardware doesn't suck... it is expensive, slow, and behind the time.  No one even sells PC's now with only 2 channel stereo.  No one makes PPC as cheap as x86 and even if they did, a clone machine can't run OSX, it need a stupid ROM thing.  I really don't care if Apple breaks up, I just want fucking Marklar.

One of these days I'm gonna "Splinter Cell" into Apple HQ in Cupertino and take my ipod and "ditto" Marklar onto it.  hopefully they will just have a cd lying around though.  dittoing being the command that can successfuly clone not only resource forks, but also preserve file permissions, it can be used to copy a working version of OSX to another drive.


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #16 on: 15 May 2003, 06:10 »
 Is that sarcasm too? WHERE DOES THE SARCASM END??!!

calum doesn't see sarcasm on these forms...

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Carving up Apple
« Reply #17 on: 15 May 2003, 21:43 »
oh get knotted, we all know you braid steve jobs' butt hairs with your teeth*

What amazingly dextrous teeth you have!  :D
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #18 on: 15 May 2003, 13:37 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Comrade Captain:
Back on topic.  I would not mind seeing Apple break up.  Especially if it caused the release of Marklar.  The only readon I use Apple products is for OSX.  While their hardware doesn't suck... it is expensive, slow, and behind the time.  No one even sells PC's now with only 2 channel stereo.  No one makes PPC as cheap as x86 and even if they did, a clone machine can't run OSX, it need a stupid ROM thing.  I really don't care if Apple breaks up, I just want fucking Marklar.

doesn't marklar equal x86/Darwin? maybe you would be interested in using that. so far i can see two projects that might be the equivelant of MacOSX on Intel type machines:

Apple Darwin and

now apple darwin appears to be a totally open source system. they give you instructions for how to install it using MacOSX, and they say darwin is capable of building itself, they also say it can be run on an intel type machine, but they don't appear to say how. The whole system is available as source code though... Also, OpenDarwin appears to be somehow related to the Apple Dawrin thing and maybe the two are the same? OpenDarwin seems to have a bit about installing on an x86...

GNU/Darwin looks like it might be quite easy to install on an apple mac or an x86, as they even sell install CDs of it as well as providing network install instructions. their site also has links to useful looking things like fink and XonX...

might be worth looking into for people who really want MacOSX on their intel computer.

[ May 15, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: hopelessly outnumbered ]

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Carving up Apple
« Reply #19 on: 15 May 2003, 18:23 »
Originally posted by Calum: hopelessly outnumbered:

doesn't marklar equal x86/Darwin? maybe you would be interested in using that. so far i can see two projects that might be the equivelant of MacOSX on Intel type machines:

Apple Darwin and

now apple darwin appears to be a totally open source system. they give you instructions for how to install it using MacOSX, and they say darwin is capable of building itself, they also say it can be run on an intel type machine, but they don't appear to say how. The whole system is available as source code though... Also, OpenDarwin appears to be somehow related to the Apple Dawrin thing and maybe the two are the same? OpenDarwin seems to have a bit about installing on an x86...

GNU/Darwin looks like it might be quite easy to install on an apple mac or an x86, as they even sell install CDs of it as well as providing network install instructions. their site also has links to useful looking things like fink and XonX...

might be worth looking into for people who really want MacOSX on their intel computer.

[ May 15, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: hopelessly outnumbered ]

Yes, I have tried these.  They don't have Aqua or quartz.  I would be stuck using XFree86.  Also, they don't run on AMD machines, I only have 1 non AMD machine lying around.  They also seemed incomplete, they didn't have all of the commands and stuff that OSX have.


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #20 on: 15 May 2003, 18:56 »
hmm, that's not so good, still it's always interesting to hear what people say about new (?) systems, and i am hoping that GNU/Darwin will evolve quickly in true open source style.

i am a little confused though about open/apple darwin being incomplete because isn't it supposed to "correspond" with the MacOSX releases? or is it just the parts of OSX that are open source with all the rest missing?

so you reckon marklar will be like apple darwin but with all the closed source bits left in?

it would be interesting.

still in a way i kind of want apple to either make their graphical server open source, or else adopt X as their graphics server. If the proprietary GUI server they use comes out for x86 *nix then i can see a painful fork on the horizon and that always sets development back for a while (while microsoft catches up).
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Carving up Apple
« Reply #21 on: 16 May 2003, 03:05 »
Originally posted by Calum: hopelessly outnumbered:
oh get knotted, we all know you braid steve jobs' butt hairs with your teeth* but what i would like to see is for you to refute some of the points i made, rather than making snidey potshots at me.

come on, convince me that apple are great and that their motives are altruistic or whatever it is that makes you think they are better than i think they are. All of that was only my opinion anyway as i am sure is perfectly obvious.

EDIT: in fact i can't actually see where i point out the downside in my post and i can't really see that i even criticise apple all that much, so what's got into your pants all of a sudden?

* don't take it personally it was a J O K E.

[ May 14, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: hopelessly outnumbered ]

No, I've learned many times in the past that you cannot be convinced otherwise of your opinions. Okay, it's your opinion and I'm okay with that. You will never understand why we like Apple so much so don't ask. What I disagreed with was your Mr. Stupendous (or something) tirade. I'm glad you don't hate Apple like other Linux users I know but I still disagree with you. As Faust said, the amount of profits you pull in does not determine how great you are.

Oh, and YOU get knotted (not sure exactly what that means, not sure I want to)

Back on topic.  I would not mind seeing Apple break up.  Especially if it caused the release of Marklar.  The only readon I use Apple products is for OSX.  While their hardware doesn't suck... it is expensive, slow, and behind the time.  No one even sells PC's now with only 2 channel stereo.  No one makes PPC as cheap as x86 and even if they did, a clone machine can't run OSX, it need a stupid ROM thing.  I really don't care if Apple breaks up, I just want fucking Marklar.

You make me sick. Take that fucking gay Mac Comrade Captain shit off your name if you want to see Apple go down!! And also, GO TO HELL!!!!!

If Apple ever died, I swear to god I'd become a terrorist. I'd like to see the look on Mr. Ballmer's face right before a sniper bullet blows it off.

EDIT: Okay, maybe I'll just switch to YDL, but when I use it I'll swear a lot and stuff.

[ May 15, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #22 on: 16 May 2003, 04:20 »
While I woulden't wanna see Apple go down, I think the articles proposal about makeing Apple two separete companies is a great idea. That way both the hardware, and the software can accelerate at their own pace.

Not only that, but it would allow Marklar to be released, and also give Apple the ability to develop better hardware. Reason being that right now Apple is fighting a war on two fronts. It needs to somehow focus more effort on both. Two divisions sounds perfect.


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #23 on: 16 May 2003, 08:40 »
What! Do you realize how inferior X is to Quartz when you're using it on a local monitor/computer setup?


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #24 on: 17 May 2003, 02:52 »
You sure the hell better be talking about the letter X.


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #25 on: 17 May 2003, 03:06 »
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
You sure the hell better be talking about the letter X.

I beive the quirk is refereing to XFree86


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #26 on: 17 May 2003, 03:38 »
Okay, I'll let him live.

[ May 16, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #27 on: 17 May 2003, 06:42 »
what does osX have in common with XP??


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Carving up Apple
« Reply #28 on: 17 May 2003, 07:26 »
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
You sure the hell better be talking about the letter X.

I think he was talking about X11's inferiority to Quartz.  Which I think is completely 100% true.

Also, I do not want to see Apple go down.  I would never want to see that.  I just want Marklar.  (The only time I would want to see Apple go down, is if it would cause Microsoft to be broken up for antitrust...Apple is the only reason MS is still alive)

Yes Calum, Marklar is x86 OSX with all of the closed source stuff.