Glanz, over at, provided me with two Safari hacks:
*Note* Before you start applying anything, make sure you have the latest version of the Developer Tools installed.1 -> This will de-metallize Safari
Open up the Finder and go to /Applications/Safari. Do a Ctrl + Click on the Safari icon and you'll be presented with the "Show Package Contents" contextual menu. Navigate into Safari -> Contents -> Resources -> English.lproj Open Browser.nib; You will need the most recent MacOS X Developer Tools package to do this! In the window marked 'Broswer.nib,' select 'Window' and hit Shift-Command-I to bring up the Inspector. The last item in the Inspector is a checkbox labeled \"Textured Window.\" Uncheck that, save, and quit. Now start up your modified safari. Now it looks like it should!
2 -> To make very small fonts available on all sites
Copy & Paste the following lines of code into user/Library -> Preferences -> :
<key>AppleAntiAliasingThreshold</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>AppleScreenAdvanceSizeThreshold</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold</key> <integer>2</integer>
That's about it. I've also started a thread
here but I've gotten no replies. It involves some cool Mozilla hacks.