Operating Systems > macOS

Motorola's MHz = Mega Hurts

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ok had a look on ebay.com.au and there are no Alpha machines in there - im in australia if you didn't guess. Not that many Aplhas over here  :(  oh well just have to stick with my g4    (its almost 2 years old now 350mhz) i want to get a couple of other cheap machines to fuck around with, UNIX, BSD, Linux. Just need some cheap machines. anyone got some

Do they make new Alphas, what are they used for?

They made great UNIX web servers.

don't need one of those really so i guess i will pass. if i do set up a server i will be useing MacOS X  

Is the Mac OS X server good? I heard some bad things about it (inefficient security)

Where did you hear this? I have had no problems with it - out of the box it is almost as secure as a true BSD.

True it does not ask you for a root password but then again there is no root until you create it  

You have an extremely nice utility called netinfo manager where you can turn off or delete entirely any protocol or service (including http as i found out  :(  ), view all users on your computer (finger - i know) All from one location, a utility i find very useful


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