Operating Systems > macOS

Ten things you will never hear a Mac user say

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Ten things you will never hear a Mac user say:


i think i would say thing 3 and thing six, and i think i qualify as a mac user since i use a mac at work but i use a PC at home because... well, you get the idea. It sucks that i have to use windows for some things though, my home PC is much more fun when i am using linux....

wtf have you been smoking?

Master of Reality:
i have said things 1, 4, 7, 10.
1: "sure i'll help you with autoexec.bat, just type 'format /u c:'.
4: Windows, grrrrr
7: more like "i like the good ol' days of the Commodore 64"
10: My parents windows computer.
I dont qualify as a Mac user though (i have never touched a Mac without rubber gloves on). I wanna try OS X though.

...and before you ask, me and my computer are on acid  :D

[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
1) XP doesn't use config.sys and autoexec.bat.

2) If I want to, I could watch the "XP Tour" to learn about Windows. But still, if my brother can use it, it doesn't require computer literate people to use it.

3) I don't find OSes fun, I find computer games to be fun.

4) I re-installed Windows XP in 30 minutes. Downloaded and applied the "Critical Updates" in another 10 minutes.

5) My A drive says "3 1/2 inch Floppy". My C drive says "Main HD". My D drive says "Backup". And my 2 CD Burners are labled by their respective brand name.

6) Well, depends on how well you know it.

7) Command lines, yuck.

8) Hell if I know either, I just right click and select "Refresh"

9) Well, 100 bucks for Win XP Home upgrade, any colleges that cost 100 bucks?

10) Opinion, and in all honesty, I don't mind my computer. But I did hate it with Win ME (Mistake Edition).

And I know someone will reply with atleast something about...

"Windows always needs Critical Updates". This is true, and yes, it sucks. But for something 90% of the world uses, that's a lot of chances for it to be hacked at.

"Microsoft forces their products onto you". I 100% agree. YES, MS IS A BITCH!!!! I think MSN messenger can go to hell along with .Net

"MS is a nazi like company". Yes they are, I agree with you 100% again. So god damnit, lets all send mail to our legislature and to MS and if all the disgrunted people reach MS, maybe, just maybe, MS will either stop it, or atleast get regulated by the government.

Remember, I'm all for choice, and I'm glad that Apple is around. I really want to get my hands on OS X.


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