I disagree whole hartedly. Sherlock 3 is just an extension of the origional sherlock. A utility which Apple pioneered. Sherlock 3 is basically the same thing with a few more bells and whistles.
iTunes is a wicked media player and dosn't impose restrictions or proprietary formats etc. like WMP. QuickTime, at least for Apple, is a bitchen format and great for streaming.
Unlike M$ Apple dosn't try and force compeating apps to not run correctly or have trouble. As a matter of Fact MacAmp is an excellent iTunes alternative with a few features (like recording internet radio to an Mp3) that iTunes dosn't even have.
Bundling of software to force users into your own OS and marketing etc. is very diffrent than what Apple does. Which is bundle products to make the user be able to do more with his/her computer right out of the box.
If you can do better than what they offer, just throw it away and install what you want.
.Mac is a diffrent story. That sucks a big one. Jaguare however, is worth every penny. Some have been saying that it's what the OS should have been when it first came out, I say to those, YOUR FUCKING BLIND!
That's like saying that OS9 is what OS 1.0 should have been. This is leaps above what OSX was and it shows, just look at all the new stuff in it. I think it's a great value.
And who knows, maybe 10.3 will be 20 bucks like 10.1 from 10.0 was
Oh, another great App! iMovie! What's not great about this? A simple bare bones media editor for digital video. A great, well designed program, that a novice or a pro. can use for throwing a quick movie together!
I'll be damned if M$ ever offered anything half as good as this.
There is another major diffrence, Apple's bundled apps are pretty damn good. M$'s suck, except for FreeCell of course

[ July 21, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]