Operating Systems > macOS

Should I do live updates on this site from the WWDC keynote?

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Alright, I decided to do it.

Here's the link to the page with live coverage.  I'm hoping to get linked from some highly trafficked Mac sites as well.

I'm going to colorado tomorrow so I'm gonna miss all of wwdc  :(  

but at least when I get back there will be lots of big news

This is gonna be interesting.

So is it really gonna be live or not?


Apple will stream it AFTER the event, but not live.  Plus, they'll just be looping the event over and over, so you could end up tuning in right in the middle of a huge unveiling, totally throwing off the buildup and element of surprise.

So you might as well watch the live updates here, then watch the stream itself afterwards.      

Incidentally, MacRumors.com has linked to us, and MacSurfer.com has e-mailed me to say they'll add a link in their 10:00 AM update.  Haven't heard back from MacInTouch, but those two alone will kick up traffic quite a bit.

(I can't help it -- I'm a whore for attention, so I want to get linked from wherever I can.)


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