Wow that sux. OSX Illustrator and PS7 rock. I'm actually studying at art school now. Run mostly Photoshop and illustrator studiying comics and Animation (yeah!!!! totaly practical degrees

Well, anyway. Ask your folks or something. A G4 is a must have for graphic design, sometime down the road you are going to have to get one. You can't judge G4's on clock speed when it comes to art apps. The new Adobe crop is all vectorized and floors the PC versions.
I run them, they rock!
But ya.. Darwin is open source, what they are trying to do is make it sort of emulated or somthing. They are trying to modify darwin so it emulates interfaces needed for it to run on PC's.
I dunno. They are a bunch of hacks so I woulden't put reverse engeneering and OSX code snaged thrugh dubious means

, but ya, they were working on it last I heard. Tho I can't seem to find their website anymore (I hope this is not a bad sign

P.s. Check apple for a student discount or student loan machine. They go along way to make deals with students and schools, contact them, or check their site, you might be surprised!
[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]