Operating Systems > macOS

Best Browser for OSX...

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Your browser choices in OS 9 are kinda limited.
iCab, Internet Exploder, Netscape, Mozilla and Opera are the only ones I've tried.

I used to use Mozilla in 9, and of course it was slow starting up, but I just never quit the app unless I was short on RAM. Kinda like how Mozailla on Windows is with it's "quick launch," even that how the Mac version works by default.

Last time I tried Opera, I didn't have a banner ad!  I tried it on Windows and had the ad sitting in the corner but it was not there on the Mac version.  Cool for me at the time but I deleted it.  It rendered pages kinna funny. It was fast but, I dunno, acted kinna funny.  :confused:

I use Mozilla 1.2.1 now and it works fine, I'm just lookin for somethin faster.  Scrolling in Mozilla sux!  :mad:

Opera is good on 9, but (i regret to say) IE aint that bad in 9 either.

Also the ad only activates after 30 days or something like that.  You may have just removed it too soon.  I'm pretty sure the ad is there on the Mac.

G'day Guys,

I actually have been using Opera for a while now and I've found it both fast and well set out, I must admit that it's throws the occasional 'wobblie' but it just suits me and I think Norgies are cool. I did have a brief foray into the Opera 7 beta but at this time it has too many problems but it does look promising.

I initially started with Netscape; even as the newest of 'newbies' and before I came to hate windows I did not like IE and I have a hissie fit every time it starts up when I click on a link sent to me in an e-mail... Fuck I hate that! Anyway, when Netscape got screwed up (not sure when that was) I tried Opera and; with a couple of experiments like Mozilla; which did the freeze thingie and then did the sending off problems thingie; which never seemed to work when it was Netscape, I found myself back at Opera, but I still haven't found the answer yet so I'm still open to experiment... Outside anything to do with windows... I just don't get it why does anybody use IE?


Safari has quickly become my browser of choice. Not as feture full as Chimera (meaning Safari has to be VERY bare bones) but it's getting there.

It's gearing up to be the best browser, period.


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