Author Topic: I'd like to know.....  (Read 2053 times)


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I'd like to know.....
« on: 5 April 2002, 23:02 »
I'd like to know why you guys like Mac. You have to buy a pricey, hardware-proprietary computer first of all. Second, the games for Mac- wait. There ARE no games (good ones atleast). Also Macs cheat their tests with speed. to check it out. My cheap-ass Athlon XP computer seems to be doing better than those expensive iLamps, er iMacs.   :D  These all seem like good reasons to NOT own a Mac to me, but still people buy Macs. Tell me please why you guys like 'em, maybe I'll change my mind.
Work Slave - Tux


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« Reply #1 on: 5 April 2002, 23:08 »
I think most people like Macs because of OS X, and because mac hardware is usually of high quality.  Also its not MS.


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« Reply #2 on: 6 April 2002, 02:56 »
You sound like a Troll.

You don't know what you are talking about, the hardware IS of high quality, PC's cheat on their tests, and while I admit an Athalon XP is a damn fast processor a G4 is comparable at most activites and surpacess it when running software that has been vectorized.

As far as games on the Mac, there are more than your narowminded Winows-centric universe let's you see. The ones which are ported to the Mac are usually the good ones. Furthermore, if you are buying a computer for the games alone, your paying to much money.

Finaly, Mac OS X is an incredible operating system. It outperformes windoze at every turn. It is fast, stable, (I have yet to see it totaly crash), and can do anything a PC can do, only better and alot more painlessly.

If you think Windoze is so hot, your not gonna get flak from just the Mac people here, why not wonder over to the Linux forum and tell them how overcomplicated and game-less their OS is.

But if you want to make a real argument, why not tone down your obviously pointed speach and post something with some substance to prove your point except some link that has been passed around this forum a million times and argued over to death.


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« Reply #3 on: 6 April 2002, 03:16 »
So this is what happens when I try to ask the Mac community for imput. I see it all now.
"You sound like a troll".
I'm not going to even respond to that one.
Did I ever say Mac hardware was low quality? No... I said it was PRICEY. Which it is...
You constant insults and flames leave me to beleive- no I shall not sink to your foul level.
I didn't "flak" the Mac community, such as you flaked me.

It out-perfoms WinDOWS (learn to spell) because its tuned to its hardware. Did I even MENTION windows? I think not. I mentioned Athlon, which can run UNIX OS AND Windows.

As for games:
Lets see, can you play these wonderful games on Mac?:

Half Life
Jedi Knight
Theif: The Dark Project
Ghost Recon
Max Payne
Dark Age of Camelot

ect. ect. ect.

Instead of flaming my post, why dont you respond to it intelligently? Fire doesn't hold water, as your flame shows.

Furthermore, if you are buying a computer for the games alone, your paying to much money.

    :confused:    I beleive not. I savor and enjoy my games as well as my vast array of OTHER programs. With just a mere Xbox, you can play games but thats not all I wish to do.

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: Cocaine Elephant ]

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: Cocaine Elephant ]

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: Cocaine Elephant ]

Work Slave - Tux


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« Reply #4 on: 6 April 2002, 03:18 »
WOW! I didn't flame you at all. You did sound like a troll and you sound even more like a troll after your last post.

Oh ya, and it is spelld windoze in case you didn't know    

I play daggerfall on VPC 5.0. fun game. A forgotten gem in RPG history, to bad bout all the bugs.


Oh, I assumed you are using windows because a) your a gammer, b) you tolld the Linux forum, and c) your OS of chice reads windows XP.

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #5 on: 6 April 2002, 03:21 »
You didn't flame me at all? Time to quote:

there are more than your narowminded Winows-centric universe let's you see.  

Thats one...

tone down your obviously pointed speach and post something with some substance to prove your point except some link that has been passed around this forum a million times and argued over to death.

And theres two. No flame, eh?
Work Slave - Tux


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« Reply #6 on: 6 April 2002, 03:24 »
Those aren't flames, you were using pointed speach and your post spoke volumes about your knoledge of the Mac world. Only Borg would spill tripe about chip speeds, and games.


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« Reply #7 on: 6 April 2002, 03:29 »
Bah... now you call me a Borg
So i'm a cybernetic troll with pointed speach?

Since you obviously couldn't read my first post here I go again:

Macs ARE expensive.
Macs HAVE limited games.
Macs ARE slower than a Athlon of the same price range.

Now, since you brought Windows into the Mac forum somehow, I'll tell you my opinion of windows.

Microsoft = Bad
Windows = Good

I hate microsofts scare tactics, but I still have to like their OS. When Linux gets some of the bugs out of it and can run a few more apps I'll happily use. But no Macs for me.


I asked for reasons why you like macs, now gimme some!

If you dare to despute these facts you will be lashed until you drop.

P.S. calling someone narrowminded and having pointed speach is a flame, IMO. Please tell me your opinion of a flame.
Work Slave - Tux


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« Reply #8 on: 6 April 2002, 04:04 »
Originally posted by Cocaine Elephant:
Macs ARE expensive.
Macs HAVE limited games.
Macs ARE slower than a Athlon of the same price range.

These are points well enugh. But the way your first post worded them sounded rather troll like terms like iLamp come to mind, sarcastic jabs at mac gaming. Your whole attitude seems geard tword waiting for someone to post something so you can puke pro-windows gabage back in their face.

You didn't seem to aproach this thread with a desire for actual discussion but rather an exchange of insults. Thus I would venture to say that you were indeed narowminded.

Since you agree that M$ is bad that's great. That's step one. A personal reason why I don't use their products stems from their buissness tactics which I don't feel like giving money in order to support.

Second, windows is not good. I am well versed in it, I owned a PC for a while, several infact. And windows has never been as good as any Mac OS IMHO. It has allways been nothing more than a cheep copy.

Windows XP breaks new ground in M$'s attempts at privacy violation and the software includded is substandard compared to it's competition. The bundled software with OS X is far more usefull and powerfull than the windows counterparts.

As far as games are concerned, I have adressed this issue in a thread calld gaming not in the Mac forum. I don't think games should be a prime factor in buying a computer, at least they aren't for me. I don't know about you, while games are fun and all (Im a particular fan of Baldur's Gate, and the Blizzard games (which are well supported for the Mac)), they are programs that don't really do anything. I use my comp as a graphics workstation and general computing machine and it does wonders, I could never use a PC to run PS7 and Illustrator because a) PC/Windows graphic support is true shit when it comes to Desktop Publishing, b) Graphics Apps for the Mac run infinitly better.

Windows is a hinderance to performance because of it's crude designe, poor security, and nearly everything else that Mac OS isn't. I have seen XP crash, I have yet to see OS X do it.

Windows has a 3 to one click ratio with the Mac. Meaning I can do more on a Mac with one click than you can in wondows because one GUI has actually doen the research that windoze chose to simply plagerize and bastardize to their own ends.

As far as more bang for your buck, that to me is purely subjective. If you look at the analsies out there it is a known fact that Mac's are viable for a whole lot longer than PC's (i.e. they are usefull for a longer period of time), productivity on Mac's is better than on PC's, programms overal tend to better designed (even M$'s word 2001 has recived praise for it's Mac OS port over it's less functional PC equivilant), Mac Hardware works  and comes right out of the box with everything your going to need for a very long time.

As far as chip speeds go, this debate is an old one. PIV's first of all can't outperform a ciphilitic mule. But PIII's and AMD's are damn nice chips (rumer has it Apple is looking at AMD and/or IBM to make G5's or G6's). There are alot of factors that go in to the actuall performance of a chip, and it truely depends on what program you are running, how it was built, etc. etc. etc.

Intel has truelly done a diservice to computing when it first began to tout clock speeds as the end all be all of what one should use to mesure a chips true power. Did you know that a high end SGI workstation clocks in around 500Mhz and still manages to pump out incredible graphics (my bro. ran a 90Mhz SGI box when he worked on Final Fantasy the Movie)? The N64 ran on 90Mhz G3  etc. etc. Performance relies hevely on software and Hardware optimization. Optimization is Apple's strength and the results are fantastic.

A vectorized Application on a G4 WILL outperform any other chip. Right now G4's are being used in several science labs (NASA as well) running vectorized programs in a cluster because they are more powerfull and cost effective than their alternatives.

Finaly, a chip's speed is only as good as how far you use it. For general computing, I would be hard presed to say the avarge user should be doing more than 450Mhz, I mean seriously, unless you are a power user, or profesional, shelling out for a dual 2Ghz to make a game look pretty is absolutely rediculous.

But that is my opinion.

Even so, the overal experience on a Mac running OS X will be much more productive, seemless, and problem free than you are likely to experience running nearly any other OS in the world. This is why I prefer them, and why they are my system of chice over the Wintel world.

Wether you like Mac's or not, you should read the fetured article on this very site. It outlines many of windoze's major drawbacks.

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #9 on: 6 April 2002, 04:54 »
The reason I choose mac is that the Apple II was the first computer I worked on and fell in love with it.  Pro Tools is what I use at work and it first came on a Mac so that's what I use at work and  home.  Windows is just clumbsy and awkward to me, maybe it's just that I'm used to a Mac.  The Mac OS is elegant, simple and well thought out and applicaitons don't install tons of crap that you don't know where it goes.  Windows seems pedestrian and cold.  When I'm on a Windows machine I feel like I'm working, when on the Mac I feel like staying there and creating something, anything. Hard to describe I guess.  There are many who think OS X is basically not a Mac anymore but I totally disagree.  It's refreshing,  it's beautiful to look at and I love the design.  Takes a little getting used to but I'm there and love it.  When Pro Tools is released for X I'm never going back to OS 9.  An unbelievable piece of work in itself but it's time to move on.  Just my thoughts.


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« Reply #10 on: 6 April 2002, 05:01 »
A man after my own heart.

Were have you been, oh fellow Mac user who knows the Mac feeling so well   :D  ?

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #11 on: 6 April 2002, 05:52 »
An intelligent post, psyjax. You make some good points about the Mac

The only part thats strange is your argument about clicks. Yeah... I'm screaming inside because I click too much- hrm..

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: Cocaine Elephant ]

Work Slave - Tux


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« Reply #12 on: 6 April 2002, 06:14 »
It may seem weird at first, but think about it this way. If you avarege a few more clicks per second as you do your work, think about all the time that wastes as it add's up. This is actually one of the prime factors in the productivity tests.

Sure it dosn't seem like much, but it adds some extra seconds to every operation and those seconds add in to minutes and then in to hours.

Same reason UNIX nerds shirk MacOS and Windows all together because you can get done in a single command line what it would take a ton of clicks to do in a GUI.


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« Reply #13 on: 6 April 2002, 21:34 »
Thanks for the kind words psyjax.  I  bought my kid a Dell because he's a gamer.  A smokin' well built computer.  The only problem?  XP. It took me 3 days to finally get his Nvidia card to work.  Now I do attribute part of that to my lack of experience with windows but I'm also not an idiot.   Windows started as a little ball of shit rolling down a hill.  Now it's gathered so much more shit rolling down it's a mammoth pile dinosaur shit and there's no end to the crap added on.  OS X is clean and intuitive.  It's a little slow right now but it's only going to get better.  X.2 should be out this summer.  Thanks again pysjax.


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« Reply #14 on: 6 April 2002, 21:56 »
I agree with psyjax.  Nothin I could say about X hasn't already been said.
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