now as for pc vs wintel, i think zombies machine would be a bit faster. then agian, moterola/*SP*/ has really been dragging their feet. but then agian, in the AIM/*no, not the instant messanger, the Apple IBM Moterola*/ pact hopefully IBM can delever with the ppc 970. and its a damn shame that the alpha is getting scraped for the itanic, but this is a mac forum so ill talk about it later. on the what i have done.
ok, i got my powermac 9500 a month or so ago, pluged it into my network, and when i told it to it configured itself with dhcp. and i didn't need to reboot it. i though that was pretty cool, but it only has a 1 gig harddrive in it. so i was thinking, and looking at my 100gig western digital/*most of the harddrives i have are WD's, then agian, the quaility is probably down all around*/ since i don't have an expensive ata card for the mac, i went and loaded netatalk up on my main linux box. low and and clicked the chooser and selected the drive. entered my username and password, and it mounted the drive. and started installing software on it and using itunes. unlike my experiances with samba, it is a nightmare on both ends.