Operating Systems > macOS
the real reason wintel boxes are inferior to Macs...
What fps???
You must've tweaked that like hell, i've used a similar machine and it was sooo slow.
as for multitasking, i do almost same thing/*can't watch a movie cause its way to slow*/, burn a cd at 40x while using xmms and surfing the inernet and running a gnutella client, ill probably have 2/3 terminal's open. and for not multitasking like that, am i supposed to stop doing everything when i cut a disk? not listen to mp3's when im surfing the web, and god forbid leave the gnutella client up 80% of the time
I agree with Jimmy James here. Apple should focus more on delivering faster processors and utilizing DDR RAM more efficiently and less on marketing.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I bet my 2.53ghz P4 Northwood w/1GB of 1,200mhz RDRAM, 120GB 7,200 RPM ATA-133 IDE drive(I am going to be moving to SCSI storage soon)beats the piss out of any Mac on the market right now. IT is fast....devilishly fast.
(EDITED because of a typo)
[ January 21, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Yea kinda like a compareing a Supercharged big ass V8 to some jap turbo car, the V8 may have more horsepower but the HANDLEING is fucked right around.
PC's have power, no doubt about it, but they are to primative with to many backwards downties which make them crappy, mainly its the fact that PC's have 10 zillion brands of parts which makes them nice and cheap but unreliable.
quote:Originally posted by Interscope:
BSD has the best multitasking.
OSX uses BSD.
Windoze does not use BSD
--- End quote ---
Windows NT's kernel and the bulk of it was made by the same devlopers from the VMS team, it is like vms in almost everyway except Microsoft put the Win32 API and Win16 API and DOS emulation in the kernel, drive letters and other shit which shitted it. Instead of innovating they fucked a good os.
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