Operating Systems > macOS
the real reason wintel boxes are inferior to Macs...
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
There is something wrong with your PC then. My system(s) can multitask like a champ. Right now I'm burning a CD, playing a 630MB MPEG in WMP9, surfing the net, uploading some files to my FTP space and I have Project 64(N64 emulator) running with a 60MB ROM loaded(Conkers Bad Fur Day) and the system isn't hiccuping at all. As a matter of fact, I still have 54% of my CPU cycles left according to my CPU meter. Now, if I were burning a CD with a burner that works only in PIO mode there would be some troubles. Gotta love DMA transfer modes on storage devices.
Your problem with the PC could be your OS(Win9x can't multitask for shit if you are using 9x), you could have a PIO hard drive(or your BIOS has DMA disabled)), you have a small amount of RAM, you have a crappy video card or something has your OS installation bum-fucked or it could be a combination of more than 1 of the above.
If this was a Dual CPU or a Hyperthread enabled system, I would only be using like 8-12% of my CPU cycles.
[ January 21, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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I can do more in Linux (play UT) well CD's burn, i have had NO COASTERS. And my system is a Celery 850 with only 256mb of ram.
Oh yeah. Well my computer can beat up all your computers. And still have power to play UT.
Your CD-RW doesn't happen to have brun-proof, eh X11?
my Power Mac 7200 could whip all y'all!
And if you survived, my SE/30 and my Mac 512 will tag team on ya and whip ya like Hulk and the Rock!
as for the *BSD and VMS stuff, windowsnt is the bastard child of both operating systems, and it grew up in a very dysfunctional family.
Let me just say that counter strike is by no means at high frames per second, but it does run just fine at low resolutions with my geforce 2. Im not a believer in the whole mhz myth, and my computer is proof positive that you dont need a 2 ghz pc, or dual g4 mac, to have a decent computer experience. Infact I dont think that anyone needs a pc (non mac) faster than 500 mhz unless they are doing graphic art, or playing high end games. I noticed when I bought a 1.8 ghz pc, I could not tell a speed difference when using normal applications compared to my 433mhz.
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