Author Topic: Macs  (Read 4057 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 1 December 2001, 02:49 »
Originally posted by hook:
macs are like toys

they're good for making videos and watching them and making web pages and graphics

but they don't have much balls

They are good for making videos but they don't have much balls? Ahha that is a contradiction in itself.


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« Reply #16 on: 1 December 2001, 04:09 »
We're starting to see the beginning of what I feared when I started this site:  The emergence of all this stupid, bullshit infighting that occurs in the anti-M$ community.  Non-Wintel users are already a pretty small group as it is, and it's moronic for us to start bickering amongst ourselves like this.

Nowadays, all the significant non-M$ operating systems are UNIX-based anyway, so there's far less difference among them than there used to be.  But we'll still get schmucks like this "hook" clown exhaling the residual crack smoke forced down his lungs by his peers and other evil influences . . .

Was I just naive and stupid to think that maybe we could get some remotely intelligent discussion going on in these forums?    :confused:


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« Reply #17 on: 1 December 2001, 05:18 »
Originally posted by The Webmaster:
We're starting to see the beginning of what I feared when I started this site:  The emergence of all this stupid, bullshit infighting that occurs in the anti-M$ community.  Non-Wintel users are already a pretty small group as it is, and it's moronic for us to start bickering amongst ourselves like this.

Nowadays, all the significant non-M$ operating systems are UNIX-based anyway, so there's far less difference among them than there used to be.  But we'll still get schmucks like this "hook" clown exhaling the residual crack smoke forced down his lungs by his peers and other evil influences . . .

Was I just naive and stupid to think that maybe we could get some remotely intelligent discussion going on in these forums?     :confused:

Quite possibly.... with a site named like this, you want serious discussion?

There will always be a rift between Mac users and the rest... many people dislike what the Mac stands for, yet still hate Wintel with a vengance. And all us Mac users typically will defend our platform to the death  



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« Reply #18 on: 2 December 2001, 05:06 »
And what is it that mac's stand for that ppl hate so much???
The wave of the future is within the holo field distorted world of Apple HQ


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« Reply #19 on: 2 December 2001, 22:08 »
"And what is it that mac's stand for that ppl hate so much?"
         - Ben

Back in the late '70s, before there was a M$, there was Apple Computer. They did a great job portraying themselves as the champions of freedom and openness, as opposed to big, bad ol' IBM. And yet, it was all a sham. Microsoft wanted a monopoly over the personal computer, and desktop software; Apple wanted it all: an absolute monopoly over, not just the software, but also the hardware. The first Macs were locked up so tightly that you couldn't even see what was "under the hood" unless you had a special tool (available only from Apple) to open the cabinet. Techies "in the know" back then liked this no more than today's techies like M$ and its control-freak mentality. Indeed, the first Macs were referred to as: "The Biege Toaster", "The Mackintoy", or much less pleasently, as the "Maggot Box".

As they say, "first impressions are lasting impressions", and techies have very long memories indeed. Apple still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of a not insignificant number of techies to this day. Is any of this justified? Not today. Apple failed in its attempt to create a monopoly, nor are they likely to achieve one any time soon. Today, Apple is important as they are the only players that have a chance at challengeing the Redmond Beast. And they have some terrific products, OS X for sure, the iPod, and it sure was a damn shame that people wouldn't give the Cube a chance. Apple is an excellent alternative to Wintel rigs and Macro$uck.
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« Reply #20 on: 2 December 2001, 23:59 »
well ok now i c wat ya mean.

Apple should not have scraped the cube.   They scraped it before i had a chance to get one and that bites.

but  i am way to young to know anything about the Apple monopaly.  Anyway from what i c about Apple now they no longer seem to want a monopaly.   But ya monopaly's are not the greatest things regardless of who is running it.  A Mac is an awsome computer and is the best alternative to microspunge ever.

The wave of the future is within the holo field distorted world of Apple HQ


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« Reply #21 on: 3 December 2001, 16:04 »
Second thing: If The Register  and various rumor sites are correct, the G5 comes out in a month or two. They've tested it at speeds up to 2.4 Ghz, but the guess is that it'll be introduced at 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 Ghz. It's going to be a 64-bit chip, and the G5 boxen are going to have 400 mhz buses, use RDRAM, next-generation FireWire (twice the speed of the current one), and USB2. These things, ladies and gentlemen, are going to RIP SHIT.

The Register and various rumor sites are full of shit.   :rolleyes:
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« Reply #22 on: 3 December 2001, 19:37 »
macintosh are the devil with candy blue covers! one of their main selling gimmiks is that you can choose what color you want your weak,slow,not enough ram, yet aero dynamic PC to be!
If you think microsoft is evil, you've never used a macintosh=P


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« Reply #23 on: 3 December 2001, 23:04 »
"  posted December 03, 2001 10:37 AM                    
macintosh are the devil with candy blue covers! one of their main selling gimmiks is that you can choose what color you want your weak,slow,not enough ram, yet aero dynamic PC to be!

the real question is have you ever yoused a mac    they always seem to have more ram than a pc look awsome like you  said the processors blow anything a pc can throw at them away... standard ethernet fire wire , usb great graphics cards  an incredible sound card that only the sound blaster audegy can top.   Where are you coming from saying macs are crap????
The wave of the future is within the holo field distorted world of Apple HQ


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« Reply #24 on: 4 December 2001, 00:34 »
There is really no fair way to compare two different processers based on different archetures.

Intel archeture(which AMD uses as well) is about the worst around, but haivng that said,  it is also the cheapest.


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« Reply #25 on: 4 December 2001, 02:02 »
macintosh is a HUGE supporter of education. i go to high school, i've used mac's enough to know i hate them. They're slow as hell and they can't multi task for shit
If you think microsoft is evil, you've never used a macintosh=P


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« Reply #26 on: 4 December 2001, 03:41 »
Originally posted by Anon_person_not_bill_gates:
macintosh is a HUGE supporter of education. i go to high school, i've used mac's enough to know i hate them. They're slow as hell and they can't multi task for shit

Given that you obviously haven't benefited much from your education, I can only conclude you've derived equally little benefit from your exposure to Macs.

Most schools don't have the money to buy the latest equipment, so there's a 95% chance you were exposed to badly out-of-date Macs running old versions of the OS, with no care put into having up-to-date applications that run smoothly with each other.  Of course you're going to get a bad impression.

With OS X, the UNIX multitasking beats the crap out of Windows.  You bitching about the Macs you've used in high school is like me talking crap about 386's running Windows 3.1, saying they can't compete today.  Completely, totally IRRELEVENT.

And incidentally, try learning basic grammar.  People might actually be inclined to take you seriously, for the first time in your life.


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« Reply #27 on: 4 December 2001, 21:00 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
"And what is it that mac's stand for that ppl hate so much?"
         - Ben

As they say, "first impressions are lasting impressions", and techies have very long memories indeed. Apple still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of a not insignificant number of techies to this day.

Funny, I think most people who have coded m68k and HLA prefer the former, and I dont see PC's anywhere in pro audio or video studios... Even Microsoft's Macintosh software is better - because the platform's graphics engine is quite better. Actually, MS Word was better than on PC back when OS 9 was still the newest OS from Apple...


Is any of this justified? Not today. Apple failed in its attempt to create a monopoly, nor are they likely to achieve one any time soon. Today, Apple is important as they are the only players that have a chance at challengeing the Redmond Beast. And they have some terrific products, OS X for sure, the iPod, and it sure was a damn shame that people wouldn't give the Cube a chance. Apple is an excellent alternative to Wintel rigs and Macro$uck.

failed at their attempt to create a monopoly? Successful doesn't equal monopolistic. In any company's case. Monopolistic is a relative term - thats something the justice system decides.. All companies try to earn lots of freaking money.

BTW... The cube's hardware was bad, so they scrapped it.


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« Reply #28 on: 5 December 2001, 03:08 »
dude, i used to have an LC 575 (lik 6-7 years ago), i'm VERY familiar with macintosh OS,i prefer PC's. and our school is plenty up to date on macintosh's. our school is always buying new computers. some of them have OSX, most are on OS 9 (i think that's the name of it) i was also in my school's computer tech class, which had to do wih fixing/maintaining ( you guessed it!) macintosh's!
  so lets look back here. i've been using macintosh's for about 7 years, i use them every day at school, i spent a year working on them for my school, that same year i also networked all the new ones in teachers rooms. so i think i know a thing or 2 about macintosh's heh.
as for multi tasking, i got 512 megs of ram on a p3 gigahert computer, i was running winamp and burning a cd and ran Everquest lmost flawlessly. i'd like to see a mac do that
If you think microsoft is evil, you've never used a macintosh=P


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« Reply #29 on: 5 December 2001, 03:21 »
which is better also depends on what you're using your computer for. for graphcs, Yes, Macintosh's spank all over PC's, no argument there. But if you'e into online gaming you won't get too far on a macintosh.
If you think microsoft is evil, you've never used a macintosh=P