Author Topic: Macs  (Read 3655 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 5 December 2001, 18:19 »
As far as multitasking goes, the version of Winblows that can hold a candle to Mac OS X's multitasking doesn't exist. Oh, and networking? Theres another area where Mac OS X (and former Mac OSes to boot) blow Windoze out of the water.

Online gaming? Well, maybe not Evercrack, but Mac users have been playing games online for years - much longer than PC users have (Bolo, anybody?). In any case, online games do still exist for Mac OS, with new ones coming, too (World of Warcraft, for instance, or whatever it's called).

By the way, try putting more than 512MB of ram in a computer running any non-WinNT operating system from M$ . . . heh, heh . . .

The bottom line here is that there isn't anything you can do on a Wintel machine that you can't do on a Macintosh. Often times you won't be using the same apps, but you will be getting the same functionality (minus M$'s bloatware, to boot).
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« Reply #31 on: 13 December 2001, 21:49 »
I use Linux on i386 (AMD Duron).  I prefer linux to mac os for a few reasons, mostly overhead, and the ability to monkey arround in it.  I do agree that the mac platform is far suppirior to the i386 one, but price and the fact that I like to build my own computers have kept me from it.  In other words I don't have a problem with macs though I don't use them.  Wouldn't it be awesome if the mac platform was opened up like the pc, imagin awesome hardware at reasonable prices that you could put together yourself.


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« Reply #32 on: 14 December 2001, 05:53 »
saquarrier - Well, when I get an iBook at the beginning of next semester I'm looking forward to seeing how well that baby performs with just Darwin installed on it. I'm planning on spending the first week or so toying around with just the Darwin layer so I know if I want to use the full Mac OS X or just the open-source part. I'll probably end up dual-booting OS X (+ OS 9) and Darwin, since I'm not sure if it's possible to access the prompt directly under a Mac OS X installation (as in, access it without having the GUI loaded into memory at all).

Anyway, conflicting rumors tell of a soon-to-be-released G5 on the one hand and the cancellation of the PPC line altogether on the other (although the latter hasn't been brought up as recently). It would certainly be technically feasible to run Mac OS X (minus "Classic") on IA32, but how likely that is to come to pass is certainly an open question.

BTW, my old system was the same as yours (Linux on an AMD Duron) until my Socket-A board burned out and I had to revert to borrow an older machine of my brother's that has Winblows '98 on it; I've been too lazy to get this board up and running with Linux due to some driver problems, although I haven't yet tried the 2.4 kernel.
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« Reply #33 on: 18 December 2001, 22:25 »
Apple is going to make an official announcment on the G5 on jannuary the 7th
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« Reply #34 on: 19 December 2001, 00:07 »
Originally posted by Ben:
Apple is going to make an official announcment on the G5 on jannuary the 7th

Actually, that's not such a safe bet.  It MAY happen at MacWorld San Francisco next month, but there's just as much reason to believe they'll just boost the G4s up even more, and buy themselves another six months for MacWorld New York in July (or maybe some event in the middle.

G5s would definitely be nice, but I get the feeling they're not quite done yet milking the G4.


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« Reply #35 on: 19 December 2001, 05:10 »
The danger in rumors about new processors or models is the way it harms Apple in the long run. Some jerk posts a rumor to increase traffic to his site; the rumor starts to get traction, and more people spread it; pretty soon it's being touted as reliable information but without any sources to back it up; now that it's not considered a rumor, people start holding off on purchases to wait for the new machine; and when Apple doesn't produce a new machine, they've already lost sales and lose more because people are disappointed.

So I would urge you to not pay one bit of attention to unfounded G5 or new iMac rumors (or whatever else is making the rounds in preperation for the next convention).
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« Reply #36 on: 2 February 2002, 18:26 »
intel architectures are quite rubbish.
i saw the inside of a p4 pc, and the fan for it actually covers about 25% of the back cover!

AMD processors are actually quite efficient compared to intels, but not as much as the mac ones.

the G4s are insanely efficient for it's MHz rating (which are misleading when looking at alongside P4s.)
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« Reply #37 on: 20 February 2002, 00:14 »
y'all are ca-razy...this is sooo entertaining...
I'm not a techie but I like to know what my machine is/does and I like to tinker. If this is going to be a platform argument, let me put in my 2


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« Reply #38 on: 20 February 2002, 04:17 »
Finaly a man after my own heart. Brings a tear to my eye!

oh ya that Anon_person_not_bill_gates

Made me laugh my ass off when I read his post. I like PC's a whole lot better than an LC 520 whatever. LOL... imagine this:

Hey man I used a IIsi I know what macs are like! I like my 1Ghz AMD way better!!


what a maroon. You can't make a judgement like that especially when the computers at school are bound to be rather unloved machines stuck in the corner. And I seriously doubt a single one is running OSX.

[ February 19, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #39 on: 20 February 2002, 16:24 »
I know this is the MacOS forum, but grow up all of you!
Why is it that MacOS people

* never get tired of trading petty insults?

* actually that's the only thing, but it pisses me off so much i had to make it 2 points.

Why not have some constructive talk about something to do with Macs instead of all this "so and so is a maroon" business?
As webmaster says much earlier in this thread, Mac purists do tend to have this instant loathing for everything else, and i say, if this is so no wonder people are so ready to have an argument with them!
Macs are great! okay? let mejust say that i think Macs and MacOS are very good! That's why it's all the more irritating to see you all trading insults like 5 year olds! I bet it's doubly frustrating for sensible people who actually do want to think and speak for themselves instead of just joining in in the general mud slinging arena.

It gives you a bad name, so i say, stop being so insulting, you bunch of fucktards!  
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« Reply #40 on: 20 February 2002, 22:45 »
I agree with you Calum, but I think you would agree that the Anon_bill gates guy was a bit out of line and full of it.

Plus this thread has been dead for a while and I doubt billy boy is actually reading it  

Also, you can't expect constructive critisism on any of these forums when someone comes in and is talking out of their ass. I have seen it in some cases on nearly all of them.

Overall however, I don't think being touchy is a feture of Mac users, I think every person who is particularly fond of their software and the like is likely to fly off the handle when someone Bashes unjustly. I think that Mac's get this undeserved Bashing a whole lot more often than other systems.

Perhaps that would be a constructive issue:

Why is there so much Mac bashing out there?