Author Topic: Time to Cry  (Read 4325 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 21 March 2003, 01:50 »
Member # 625  

my, Siplus: DICKHEAD, or whatever your name will be tomorrow, aren't we mature? i have not used any personal attacks (if i have, let me know...) in anything i have posted here. GROW UP!! remember Zombie? don't try to become as childish as he, it would be a shame

The reason the "Eloctoral College" was created was 1) to make it easier to count everything. And 2) To allow the uneducated people's votes from counting. If we moved this rule to modern time, it would show the stupid people wanted Gore, and a mix of stupid and smart people wanted Bush, which there are less of.

i couldn't say it better myself!

ahh. so the minority of powerful men win again. too bad for us working class slaves.

would you want someone with the same IQ as a rock to decide who lead you? i have noticed this many times that liberals/demorats ('c' left out intensionally) always resort to 'class warfare' to gain support. tsk tsk. your class is what you make it. if you are poor, it is probibly because of a decision you have made. my family right now is stuggling, because my dad just got a new job 120 miles away from home after a year and a half with nothing--all of this while my brother has been in college for the past 2 years. that puts a lot of stress on the income/budget of a family that used to be 4 (with 2 others living in the house). with all of this, i know that when i get out of college, i'm going to be very well off. YOU make your own lifestyle. i am aware of a few people that are poor for no reason, and i truly feel sorry for them, but most have done something to become 'that way'

we are told our vote means something, that our voices would be heard. we have seen this proved wrong in 2000, and this whole iraqi war bullshit.

it is true, your vote does count. (i'm not sure the population of your state(or what state you live in), so lets say it's 20million) 1 vote out of 20million isn't much, though. your 'popular' vote decides who votes for whom in the electoral college. what iraq bullshit? everything that is being done in iraq i beleive should have happened months ago (probibly years ago/during the persian war, but i didn't really care about politics back then, seeing as how i wasn't even in school yet). if you have been blinded to see that nothing else can be done, then i pitty you. you obviously are not in touch with the world. i know you are going to say that about me, but truthfully, i do not care what the liberal European states have to say about it. i'm talking about the greater good.

 i do not understand the logic behind a system that lets the guy who the majority of americans do not want in office, win the presidency. i mean, really, what kind of sense does that make.  

we can not possibly know what the majority of the US citizens wanted to be in office! what was the % of voter turnout? 30%, 40%? and on a side note--there was supposedly 97% voter turnout in Phily, and can you imagine that gore carried the state of Pa? hmm...wonder why.

and i take offense to your comments about "the stupid people". in your eyes they might be dumb, but to some of them, you're a complete retard  

i'm sorry if you take offence to me/anyone else saying that the majority of the united states is made up of COMPLETE AND UTTER MORONS (well, at least from what i've seen). in my eyes, someone (and for this sentence i'm talking at the high school level) who fails any class (of which there are a lot of, and it's usually not the teacher's fault), is most certainly stupid. If anyone considers me stupid, then they obviously do not know me. i am far from stupid, so i guess i'm one of those "powerful minorities" you speak of--and if that's the case, then cool.

you really cant label a group of people dumb because they didnt vote for the guy you did.

i do not consider people stupid by who the vote for. it is their decision. that is--for all except everyone who voted for Gore. i will let this statement go for now, if you want me to explain myself i most certainly will

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Time to Cry
« Reply #16 on: 21 March 2003, 01:58 »
ah! now we see some mudslinging, and for what? ZERO.

There's no difference in the "liberals" and the "conservatives". They're pointless labels slapped on cookie cutter clones. All they signify is who's gonna agree with who. Those buffoons in Washington couldn't decide what color socks to wear without finding out what the rest of their fuckwalker party is doing.

I, personally am sick of this being a "party-driven" government. It's childish, and it's conformist. Nobody has the courage to say "I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING"... they all hide behind party lines and fall in lock-step with their platform.

Cowards, all of them are fucking cowards. Anybody that supports the diluted sack of shit that is the 2-party system can lick my balls.
Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #17 on: 21 March 2003, 01:59 »
Gore invented the moon.

See Futurama for details.


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« Reply #18 on: 21 March 2003, 02:12 »
hmm...i am going to lick no one's balls, mind you

and yes, there is a difference between liberals and conservatives. people who support the killing of innocent children at birth, and the people who are so ignorant to beleive that a disarmed pubilc is a safe public (think about it: is a criminal going to register his gun? could they not obtane a gun while law-abiding citizens are defenceless? remember--the police are not bound by the law to save you if you need help) are generally liberals.

i do not mean to "resort to mudslining," that will get us no where and i'm sorry if i have, which is somewhat the same thing as what is happening when i try to speak kindly

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« Reply #19 on: 21 March 2003, 02:19 »
I, personally am sick of this being a "party-driven" government. It's childish, and it's conformist. Nobody has the courage to say "I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING"... they all hide behind party lines and fall in lock-step with their platform.

Cowards, all of them are fucking cowards. Anybody that supports the diluted sack of shit that is the 2-party system can lick my balls.



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« Reply #20 on: 21 March 2003, 03:02 »
I agree with above comment.

For the record, I'm neither a democrat or a republican.  I'm also neither a "liberal" or a "conservative" since I don't subscribe to such a binary system of labelling.  People who vote for someone "because he's a republican" or "because he's a democrat" are morons.  Basically I'm afraid in 2004 neither candidate will be worth voting for.  I sure as hell ain't voting for Bush, and none of the Democratic candidates look good eaither.  Joe Lieberman will probably get nominated, and if that happens I'll puke.  He's so pious it pisses me off, and he'd like to censor video games and movies because it conflicts with his "christian" mind (I suppose he chooses to ignore all the violence, sadism, and carnage that the Bible has in it though)  And voting for Ralph Nader is rather pointless, since he gets about 3 percent of the votes.

and yes, there is a difference between liberals and conservatives. people who support the killing of innocent children at birth, and the people who are so ignorant to beleive that a disarmed pubilc is a safe public (think about it: is a criminal going to register his gun? could they not obtane a gun while law-abiding citizens are defenceless? remember--the police are not bound by the law to save you if you need help) are generally liberals.

Um, I support abortion rights, but I think abortion should be avoided if possible.  I don't advocate killing children at birth -- that's not even what abortion is, in case you didn't know.  Maybe other people do indirectly advocate this though, the morons who are opposed to responsible planned parenting because they think "every sperm is sacred", which, in very poor countries causes devastating effects which *do* end up with millions of children dying just after they are born, along with their mothers.  Fuck the Pope.  He's as evil as Saddam.

As for gun control, I don't want to "disarm the public."  I own two glocks, a shotgun, and two .22 rifles myself.     ;)    What I do want is some stricter controls on things like gun shows that let criminals and shady people buy guns with little or no registration.  I also think that people need some goddamned training before they can buy a gun.

By the way, why are liberals called "liberals"?  And for that matter why are conservatives called "conservatives"?  If all being conservative means is you want to keep the values of your forefathers, then shouldn't they all be for segragation or something?  (actually according to Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott, yes        )

[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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« Reply #21 on: 21 March 2003, 03:15 »
People who vote for someone "because he's a republican" or "because he's a democrat" are morons

i agree. people should know the canidate they are voting for, and what s/he believes and promises to do (but campain promises are a joke...)

I don't advocate killing children at birth -- that's not even what abortion is, in case you didn't know

oh, i'm sorry, i guess i ment sucking the brains of the child out through a straw seconds before it is completely born. sorry for the misunderstanding

Fuck the Pope. He's as evil as Saddam.  

uh, no. how can you possibly think the pope is evil? just wondering

As for gun control, I don't want to "disarm the public." I own two glocks, a shotgun, and two .22 rifles myself.    

good. everyone should have at least a gun or two. i myself have a few. a shotgun and rifle for hunting, and a pistol i'll get when i graduate from hs

 What I do want is some stricter controls on things like gun shows that let criminals and shady people buy guns with little or no registration

while want to agree with you on this, i don't. any registration is bad, because eventually the government will demand you turn in all of your guns, like what happened in Australia and UK.

 I also think that people need some goddamned training before they can buy a gun.

i agree.

By the way, why are liberals called "liberals"? And for that matter why are conservatives called "conservatives"?

i don't know

If all being conservative means is you want to keep the values of your forefathers, then shouldn't they all be for segragation or something?

we should all be progressive, we have a changing world and Segragation is a horrible thing

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« Reply #22 on: 21 March 2003, 03:37 »
oh, i'm sorry, i guess i ment sucking the brains of the child out through a straw seconds before it is completely born. sorry for the misunderstanding  

Damn! I hate this common error! Guys, when an abortion happens, doctors dont shove vacuum tubes up you and suck out a bleeding, screaming baby! What they do is extract a usually MICROSCOPIC embryo! Infact, babies are usually aborted even before their cells assume organ roles!

uh, no. how can you possibly think the pope is evil? just wondering

Because he advocates a retarded docterine that ends up hurting thousands of people. WHY cant the preists marry? What part in the bible says "Thou shalt not love?" (I want a quote from the bible that says no marriage and I want it now!) WHY cant you use a condom? Overpopulation wouldn't be such an enormous problem if it weren't for the catholic missionaries telling 3rd world countries that they'll burn if they put rubber things on their penis. Its complete ritualistic crap and it hurts ALOT of people. I'm sure you'd change your tune if a preist had screwed you when you were 10.

and yes, there is a difference between liberals and conservatives. people who support the killing of innocent children at birth, and the people who are so ignorant to beleive that a disarmed pubilc is a safe public (think about it: is a criminal going to register his gun? could they not obtane a gun while law-abiding citizens are defenceless? remember--the police are not bound by the law to save you if you need help) are generally liberals.

Just like how all conservatives are rich through unscrupulous methods and are so radical they beleive fags caused 9/11? And who want church and state to be merged?    :D    
Just kidding, not all republicans are like that. But thats what happens when you stereotype.

[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

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« Reply #23 on: 21 March 2003, 03:57 »
while want to agree with you on this, i don't. any registration is bad, because eventually the government will demand you turn in all of your guns, like what happened in Australia and UK.

You've committed the fallacy of the "slippery-slope" argument.

oh, i'm sorry, i guess i ment sucking the brains of the child out through a straw seconds before it is completely born. sorry for the misunderstanding

There's quite a difference, spin-doctor.    ;)  

If you're talking about partial-birth abortion, that's almost always done when there's a grave risk to the mother's health.  In these cases the fetus is usually brain dead anyway, due to deformaties.  If it isn't, anesthesia is administered. Only a cruel person would advocate allowing the birth to take place when the mother's life is in danger.  

By the way, I think partial birth abortions are wrong except in this circumstance.

I also find it strange that you care so much about the lives of fetuses yet you see nothing wrong with blowing a deer's brains out.

uh, no. how can you possibly think the pope is evil? just wondering

The Pope promotes an unhealthy view of sex and tells society to commit suicide by having large families.  He's responsible for millions of deaths worldwide.  Also, the Church's bizarre views on sex ban priests from having a normal sex life, hence it is a magnet for pedophiles.

[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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« Reply #24 on: 21 March 2003, 04:48 »
Siplus you say that people who voted for gore were dumb as a rock, well the only reason bush got alot of his votes was because people wanted to keep their guns and they thought that gore would do away with all guns owned by a citizen in four years. now who do you think is dumb as a rock.


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« Reply #25 on: 21 March 2003, 05:55 »
Siplus you say that people who voted for gore were dumb as a rock, well the only reason bush got alot of his votes was because people wanted to keep their guns and they thought that gore would do away with all guns owned by a citizen in four years.

i brought up the gun issue to make a point. there are many other reasons that bush got votes--not just so we can keep our guns

Just like how all conservatives are rich through unscrupulous methods and are so radical they beleive fags caused 9/11? And who want church and state to be merged?  
Just kidding, not all republicans are like that. But thats what happens when you stereotype.

ya, stereotyping is bad, but it loses leverage when the person your trying to make a point to has never come across a conservative like that. ever.

 Only a cruel person would advocate allowing the birth to take place when the mother's life is in danger.  

actually, i believe that the church would respond like this, which i agree with: the mother has already lived much of her life, the baby has not. the baby has done nothing, and yet you would advocate killing it? it sounds like killing the innocent baby is more cruel then letting the mother die (now i agree, both situations are bad)

I also find it strange that you care so much about the lives of fetuses yet you see nothing wrong with blowing a deer's brains out.

ok, lets see: humans, and yes, a human fetus is still a human being, are an intelligent life form (well, most of us). deer, are not. deer are souless, and it is easy to manage a population of deer. and that's one thing: hunting deer helps control the population. in gettysburg (which i live near), the whitetail deer population has gotten out of hand, so they permitted archery hunting to keep the population down. we have dominion over animals. don't tell me your a member of PETA or something...gees

 I'm sure you'd change your tune if a preist had screwed you when you were 10.

you know what? your right. and i thank god everyday that my preist is a respectable man

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« Reply #26 on: 21 March 2003, 06:04 »
ok, lets see: humans, and yes, a human fetus is still a human being, are an intelligent life form (well, most of us). deer, are not. deer are souless, and it is easy to manage a population of deer.

I'm firmly convinced that humans have just as much of a "soul" as any other mammal.
Oh, and deer are way more intelligent than any fetus.

No, I'm not a member of PETA.  But I sympathize with their position somewhat.

By the way, would you find it ethical to "manage" a population of people by killing them off?  And besides, where I live there aren't a lot of deer at all, and hunters always come on our land and try to kill them, despite the "NO HUNTING" signs posted everywhere.  Bastards.

actually, i believe that the church would respond like this, which i agree with: the mother has already lived much of her life, the baby has not. the baby has done nothing, and yet you would advocate killing it? it sounds like killing the innocent baby is more cruel then letting the mother die (now i agree, both situations are bad)

That's awful.  What you're advocating would potentially be the death of both the mother and the fetus.  And why do you put stock in what the church has to say about it anyway?  Use your own head for a change.

you know what? your right. and i thank god everyday that my preist is a respectable man

Do you thank god for the thousands of priests who are evil men?  Why do people always thank god for good things but ignore all the evil shit in the world?

And I really would like to know what's so "unholy" about having sex?  Why can't priests have normal sex lives!  It's totally silly, and dangerous as I said earlier as it attracts pedophiles.

[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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« Reply #27 on: 21 March 2003, 06:23 »
Oh, and deer are way more intelligent than any fetus.

uh, ya. the average deer that i would kill (which i just got my first buck this last december) is a few years old (probibly about 3). the fetus is young, and s/he doesn't know anything yet. the fetus will grow up, god willing, and become a member of society. the deer will die if their population is not managed because of the food supply (ever take a bio class?)

No, I'm not a member of PETA.  

But I sympathize with their position somewhat.

well, none of us are perfect    

And why do you put stock in what the church has to say about it anyway? Use your own head for a change.

well, as i said "which i agree with:"
i DO use my head. i think about everything, and i often change some of my ideals--but this isn't often, and it usually strengthens my conservative views

Do you thank god for the thousands of priests who are evil men?

why the hell would i thank god for allowing evil men to become preists? i hope that there will be no more, but this is unrealistic

Why do people always thank god for good things but ignore all the evil shit in the world?

uh, because we are thankful for the good. and what makes you think people ignore all bad things that happen? i assure you i try to keep mindful of worldly events, but keeping up with all of them is impossible

And I really would like to know what's so "unholy" about having sex?

i didn't know sex was unholy

 Why can't priests have normal sex lives!

when preists receive the sacrament "Holy Orders", they are committing themselves to god, as a husband would commit themselves to his wife. the counterpart of Holy Orders is the sacrament Mattramony

 It's totally silly, and dangerous as I said earlier as it attracts pedophiles.

sadly yes. i guess some men are just plain evil, and these should be sorted out before they become preists

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« Reply #28 on: 21 March 2003, 06:37 »
when preists receive the sacrament "Holy Orders", they are committing themselves to god, as a husband would commit themselves to his wife. the counterpart of Holy Orders is the sacrament Mattramony

Does this mean they marry God?   :D

Sorry, any religion where you have to give up sex to be a member of its priesthood is downright anti-human, not to mention unrealistic.  People must get sex somehow, after all it's an integral part of being human.  Priests either masturbate or molest.  Sometimes both.

i didn't know sex was unholy

Then why must holy men avoid sex at all costs???


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« Reply #29 on: 21 March 2003, 06:57 »
Then why must holy men avoid sex at all costs???

you know, i'm really not sure. goto a church sometime and ask a priest

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