Operating Systems > macOS
Time to Cry
quote: Siplus: DICKHEAD
Member # 625
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my, Siplus: DICKHEAD, or whatever your name will be tomorrow, aren't we mature? i have not used any personal attacks (if i have, let me know...) in anything i have posted here. GROW UP!! remember Zombie? don't try to become as childish as he, it would be a shame
quote: The reason the "Eloctoral College" was created was 1) to make it easier to count everything. And 2) To allow the uneducated people's votes from counting. If we moved this rule to modern time, it would show the stupid people wanted Gore, and a mix of stupid and smart people wanted Bush, which there are less of.
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i couldn't say it better myself!
quote: ahh. so the minority of powerful men win again. too bad for us working class slaves.
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would you want someone with the same IQ as a rock to decide who lead you? i have noticed this many times that liberals/demorats ('c' left out intensionally) always resort to 'class warfare' to gain support. tsk tsk. your class is what you make it. if you are poor, it is probibly because of a decision you have made. my family right now is stuggling, because my dad just got a new job 120 miles away from home after a year and a half with nothing--all of this while my brother has been in college for the past 2 years. that puts a lot of stress on the income/budget of a family that used to be 4 (with 2 others living in the house). with all of this, i know that when i get out of college, i'm going to be very well off. YOU make your own lifestyle. i am aware of a few people that are poor for no reason, and i truly feel sorry for them, but most have done something to become 'that way'
quote: we are told our vote means something, that our voices would be heard. we have seen this proved wrong in 2000, and this whole iraqi war bullshit.
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it is true, your vote does count. (i'm not sure the population of your state(or what state you live in), so lets say it's 20million) 1 vote out of 20million isn't much, though. your 'popular' vote decides who votes for whom in the electoral college. what iraq bullshit? everything that is being done in iraq i beleive should have happened months ago (probibly years ago/during the persian war, but i didn't really care about politics back then, seeing as how i wasn't even in school yet). if you have been blinded to see that nothing else can be done, then i pitty you. you obviously are not in touch with the world. i know you are going to say that about me, but truthfully, i do not care what the liberal European states have to say about it. i'm talking about the greater good.
quote: i do not understand the logic behind a system that lets the guy who the majority of americans do not want in office, win the presidency. i mean, really, what kind of sense does that make.
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we can not possibly know what the majority of the US citizens wanted to be in office! what was the % of voter turnout? 30%, 40%? and on a side note--there was supposedly 97% voter turnout in Phily, and can you imagine that gore carried the state of Pa? hmm...wonder why.
quote:and i take offense to your comments about "the stupid people". in your eyes they might be dumb, but to some of them, you're a complete retard
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i'm sorry if you take offence to me/anyone else saying that the majority of the united states is made up of COMPLETE AND UTTER MORONS (well, at least from what i've seen). in my eyes, someone (and for this sentence i'm talking at the high school level) who fails any class (of which there are a lot of, and it's usually not the teacher's fault), is most certainly stupid. If anyone considers me stupid, then they obviously do not know me. i am far from stupid, so i guess i'm one of those "powerful minorities" you speak of--and if that's the case, then cool.
quote: you really cant label a group of people dumb because they didnt vote for the guy you did.
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i do not consider people stupid by who the vote for. it is their decision. that is--for all except everyone who voted for Gore. i will let this statement go for now, if you want me to explain myself i most certainly will
ah! now we see some mudslinging, and for what? ZERO.
There's no difference in the "liberals" and the "conservatives". They're pointless labels slapped on cookie cutter clones. All they signify is who's gonna agree with who. Those buffoons in Washington couldn't decide what color socks to wear without finding out what the rest of their fuckwalker party is doing.
I, personally am sick of this being a "party-driven" government. It's childish, and it's conformist. Nobody has the courage to say "I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING"... they all hide behind party lines and fall in lock-step with their platform.
Cowards, all of them are fucking cowards. Anybody that supports the diluted sack of shit that is the 2-party system can lick my balls.
Gore invented the moon.
See Futurama for details.
hmm...i am going to lick no one's balls, mind you
and yes, there is a difference between liberals and conservatives. people who support the killing of innocent children at birth, and the people who are so ignorant to beleive that a disarmed pubilc is a safe public (think about it: is a criminal going to register his gun? could they not obtane a gun while law-abiding citizens are defenceless? remember--the police are not bound by the law to save you if you need help) are generally liberals.
i do not mean to "resort to mudslining," that will get us no where and i'm sorry if i have, which is somewhat the same thing as what is happening when i try to speak kindly
quote: I, personally am sick of this being a "party-driven" government. It's childish, and it's conformist. Nobody has the courage to say "I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING"... they all hide behind party lines and fall in lock-step with their platform.
Cowards, all of them are fucking cowards. Anybody that supports the diluted sack of shit that is the 2-party system can lick my balls.
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