Author Topic: Time to Cry  (Read 3517 times)


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Time to Cry
« Reply #30 on: 21 March 2003, 07:40 »

ya, stereotyping is bad, but it loses leverage when the person your trying to make a point to has never come across a conservative like that. ever.

Where do you live? Come to Louisiana and you'll see.
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Time to Cry
« Reply #31 on: 21 March 2003, 07:47 »
nah, i like it here, up in Pa

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Time to Cry
« Reply #32 on: 21 March 2003, 08:00 »
ya, stereotyping is bad

Then I'd s'pose you wouldn't like this song:

I'm a conservative!

Oh, I'm a Republican
 I got a small schling
 I like to bomb niggahs
 and make a lot o' bling
 I got a bunch o' friends
 in high up places
 They helps me get dem
 government graces.
 You think I'm smart
 I just know who's who
 I couldn't run a fruit stand
 without the red white & blue
 I'll drop some crap
 about Jesus the Christ
 You'll buy it all
 and vote for me twice
 'Fact, Jesus is comin'!
 Real soon, now!
 So we gotta prop up Israel
 That ol' sacred cow
 Don't need no history
 Don't need no schoolin'
 I got my ideology
 To keep me a shootin'
 Liberals! Faggots!
 Commies and queers!
 Socialist hippies
 Full o' pussy tears
 Propaganda's m'friend
 But I calls it "fact"
 Even though I don't read
 'Cept for Chick tracts
 Facts? No! Don't need em here!
 We're conservatives! We work on FEAR!
 Don't like what we say?
 Well FUCK YOU, bud!
 We'll shove it down yer throat
 and tell ya it's good!

no offense intended!


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Time to Cry
« Reply #33 on: 21 March 2003, 08:03 »
no offense intended!

ok, i won't take offense to it

btw, where did you find that and the on in the lounge? did you make them, or find them?

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
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Time to Cry
« Reply #34 on: 21 March 2003, 08:07 »
Yah, I think I posted it somewhere in the lounge, originally got it from a troll on  Hehe.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #35 on: 21 March 2003, 08:48 »
back to the point:
my only grief with al gore is his wife tipper.
i was around when she started the PMRC.
this was back in the 80's. im still pissed about it.
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies


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Time to Cry
« Reply #36 on: 21 March 2003, 21:12 »
I watched a documentary the other day called "Satanic Panic" which has told me that the cristians are fooked up.

Now i will go put on some of my satanic devilish music.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #37 on: 23 March 2003, 22:48 »
just answer me this when is it right to abort the fetus? thats right you don't have an answer. the only time abortion should be allowed is early term for *serious* health problems, and early term for rape. the only execption for the whole thing would probably be incest/molestation, allowed to abort midterm or possibly later for obvoius reasons

the reason it feels good is so people will do it, hence more pregnancy's and more people to keep the population's going, if it hurt like hell and it didn't feel good and nothing in our heads was saying "you need to get laid", we wouldn't do it but that is a bit in depth look at it.

if you abort a pregnancy becuase of *YOU* or you can't live with it or you don't like the person you fucked to get pregnant etc etc, fuck you and please kill yourself like you killed your child, you are an arrogant asshole that is wasting space on this planet and you need to leave

as for the parents that demand an abortion for a pregnant teen, hehehe, maybe you should have aborted your daughter so you didn't have to deal with this problem......./*sarcasm*/

and for blowing the deer's brains out, read the fucking bible since you seem to like it soo much, eating the deer is alot of the reason why god put them here, god even made specific rules on what you are and arn't to eat.

as for what you are saying about the baby being braindead and it being better for it to not have to suffer, we call that euthanasia. you might want to read history on the 1930's in germany.

//yeah, its probably incoherent and contridictory, buts thats what happens when something pisses me off
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Time to Cry
« Reply #38 on: 24 March 2003, 00:18 »
This topic has gotten way out of hand.  We have basically listed every single thing that the two parties want and don't want.  I will just say, even though I am a republican, I believe in rights.  People have the right to have an abortion if they want.  People have the right to shoot deer if they want.  People have the right to bear arms.  People have the right to exploit uneducated people.  Exploited people have the right to do what is in their power to get back at the exploiters.  People have the right for probably cause being required before action has taken place.  People have the right to have "peaceful" protests (which never happen).  Although, the only place I think people don't have rights in are in prison.  They have lost their rights, they can't handle their rights.  That is my oppionion on all of this stuff.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #39 on: 24 March 2003, 00:52 »
Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain, i agree with you in everything except this:
 People have the right to have an abortion if they want.

so you are saying it is someone's right to kill another human being? that's insane! the "fetus" didn't do anything wrong, and for no apparent reason, s/he will never live a life.

just answer me this when is it right to abort the fetus? thats right you don't have an answer.  

i'm not sure to who this is directed to, but i'd say NEVER.

and for blowing the deer's brains out, read the fucking bible since you seem to like it soo much,

i don't like the bible. that's right, i'm a Catholic that doesn't hold any faith in the bible. i wont get into the reasons why unless someone wants to know. when i shot my deer, i didn't "blow it's brains out," i shot it in the shoulder-lung area, and it died in less then a minute.

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Time to Cry
« Reply #40 on: 24 March 2003, 02:07 »
this thread is retarded. i'm tired of seeing it in the MAC OS section where it now has little relevance
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Time to Cry
« Reply #41 on: 24 March 2003, 02:11 »
Originally posted by Windows XP Hater #2874586:
this thread is retarded. i'm tired of seeing it in the MAC OS section where it now has little relevance

just a quick question: how can a thread be retarded? it can't think, or gain knowledge. it is in the mac os section b/c of 2 reasons: it's where Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain put it, and the first post involved apple. we just kind of weened away from that into more general politics

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
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-- void main (old school MES member)

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Time to Cry
« Reply #42 on: 24 March 2003, 02:32 »
When it comes to abortion you have to choices.  Ruin one unborn person's life, who is most likely still microscopic. or ruin 2 or 3 lives, the Kid, the Mom, and the Dad.  not to mention all of the other people that have to pay for these people.  Because they can't afford a house and medical bills and all the shit attached to a kid.  Now if you wanted to, being a pro lifer, were to take this child that is most likely addicted to crack already into your house and pay for it, I have no problem with outlawing abortion.  But you aint gonna take someone elses drug addicted kid into your own family.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #43 on: 24 March 2003, 02:39 »
I don't understand how deer don't have souls but humans do. Do other animals have souls? And, if not, when in the course of evolution did man cease to be an animal and become a soul-bearing 'man'? Assuming, of course, you believe in evolution. And of course the more rational scientific theory you believe in the more difficult it is to swallow superstitious religious bullshit.

And once again, I wonder how can you not see how pathetic it is that you call yourself "pro-life" when you're out there ending the lives of deer for your own amusement.

I really do wonder why right wingers feel so offended by the idea of unborn lives being destroyed, when all they want to do to the living is brutalise and oppress them. Do people like Bush + you feel cheated out of the opportunity to make another poor bastard's life miserable everytime an abortion takes place?
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Time to Cry
« Reply #44 on: 24 March 2003, 04:58 »
When it comes to abortion you have to choices. Ruin one unborn person's life, who is most likely still microscopic. or ruin 2 or 3 lives, you know what you are saying?!? the choice: KILL an unborn human, end his or her life before they live it because of the actions of others, or make the lives of a few people less comfortable. to ME, that is not a hard choice, and it should NOT EVEN BE A CHOICE. murdering is illegal, so i don't know WHY abortion is allowed to begin with!! am i the only one here who thinks this is absurd!?

not to mention all of the other people that have to pay for these people.

well i'm glad your starting to refer to the 'fetus' as a person now..that's a start. it is another human being, cost should have no bearing. if you can not be responcible enough to take care of the human you spawn, then you disearve the hardships that come with him/her.

 Because they can't afford a house and medical bills and all the shit attached to a kid.

well, then they should have thought of that before they went fucking!

Now if you wanted to, being a pro lifer, were to take this child that is most likely addicted to crack already into your house and pay for it, I have no problem with outlawing abortion. But you aint gonna take someone elses drug addicted kid into your own family.

seeing as how i'm 15, that doesn't really seem possible.

I don't understand how deer don't have souls but humans do.

seeing as how the 'soul' is a religous 'thing', no you obviously don't understand. whether you believe in god or not, you must admit that humans are superior to deer in a myriad of ways. if you don't have a religion, then this is what i'm refering to, or the closest thing i can corelate it to

And, if not, when in the course of evolution did man cease to be an animal and become a soul-bearing 'man'?

IMO, when we were first able to out think all other animals, which would lead to the human origins, whether it be creationism or evolutionism

 Assuming, of course, you believe in evolution.

actually, i do. as i said, i don't hold much beleif in the bible, and i do not believe much of the Church's explainations of our origin. i have made my own beleifs on our origin, because i both beleive in evolution and creationism, although i believe more evolustion then creation because creationism is a little far fetched. i DO think that every species is evolving, but i think that everything started with god creating everything. for example, how would the 'evolutionism' theory explain the start of the universe explain how the universe "is"? no! it has even been found that for evolution to create everything found on earth, it would take 140,000 times longer then the earth has existed (i'm sorry, i have no link to any scientific study it what you need is proof of my claim).

And of course the more rational scientific theory you believe in the more difficult it is to swallow superstitious religious bullshit.

i DO believe in a lot of scientific theory! i love sciencies--my favorite are (and in this order)
1) biology
2) Chemistry
3) astronomy
and i do well in every one of them. i love science. i'm probibly going into medical research, but i'm not sure yet (seeing as how i'm a sophomore, i think i have time to decide)
and can you beleive i'm still a christian? and that i still believe in most christian ideals? weird, eh?

And once again, I wonder how can you not see how pathetic it is that you call yourself "pro-life" when you're out there ending the lives of deer for your own amusement.

hmm...well, wonder on. i'm am pro-life, when it comes to abortion. as was mentioned in another thread in the lounge, i am pro- capital punishment. frankly, the life of a deer is not important. if you show me any evidence of deer creating society and using crude inventions or inginuity, then i will except them as intelligent beings.

I really do wonder why right wingers feel so offended by the idea of unborn lives being destroyed, when all they want to do to the living is brutalise and oppress them.

  :confused:  all i want to do is brutalise and oppress unborn humans? i do not understand this, please explain

Do people like Bush + you feel cheated out of the opportunity to make another poor bastard's life miserable everytime an abortion takes place?

uh, no. i feel human society might have lost it's best member every time an abortion took place. what if your mother had an abortion with you? obviously you wouldn't be here talking to us, but how would that make you feel (again, that's kinda weird cause u'd be dead....just go along with it    ) and how do you know the aborted human would be a "poor bastard"??

it's amazing the ability you have to predict the lives of other humans. i wish i was as omnicient as you!! maybe i could win the lottery and i wouldn't have to worry about the 12-18 years of college i'm goign to have to pay for...

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