Author Topic: Time to Cry  (Read 3719 times)


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Time to Cry
« on: 20 March 2003, 05:13 »
Bad news, Al Gore (yes the loser wannabe vice president) was just elected onto Apple's board of directors.  I hope he doesn't do anything stupid by being himself.  We shall see, I may be stuck with Windows if he pushes the conservatives away.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #1 on: 20 March 2003, 05:14 »
Al Gore is cool.


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« Reply #2 on: 20 March 2003, 05:26 »
I don't know if I can take all these liberals at this site.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #3 on: 20 March 2003, 05:32 »
I dont see anything wrong with al gore, except he doesn't really innovate much. (except the internet-   :D  )
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« Reply #4 on: 20 March 2003, 05:49 »
Here's Gore's actual quote about the internet:

 During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Nowhere did he say he "invented" the internet.  It is a lie.


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« Reply #5 on: 20 March 2003, 05:52 »
yes the loser wannabe vice president

Actually he won; Dubya's forces stole the election though and now we have a president running the US who was never even elected.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #6 on: 20 March 2003, 06:32 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:

Actually he won; Dubya's forces stole the election though and now we have a president running the US who was never even elected.

you 'socialists' said that i was showing my ignorance with supporting capitialism, now i must show you your ignorance in this subject. BUSH WON the election--get over it. i'm going to snap if one more person says he stole it. first of all, i know that gore recieved more 'popular' votes, which is a shame, but what counts, if you didn't already know this, is the Electoral votes. only the Elector college's votes really count.

ok, but gore would have won if he would have won florida, right? of course he would have, but the important thing is, HE DIDN'T WIN THAT STATE! after 3 or 4 media covered recounts--some started before the last one ended--bush still had more votes. Not to mention that the recount(s) was(were) only for the most liberal counties in FL. after about a total of 15 recounts, all of which showed bush winning, they stopped them--but you won't hear about that on your CNN.

Bush is the rightful president right now. i'm not saying that he is the best man for the job (actually, i don't know if there is any man good enough for this hellish 4 year term), but he is a hell of a lot better then gore!!!

gore is an ass. he has done nothing good for our country, and i hope he leaves the political life forever. him and clinton are both the bane of American politics

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Time to Cry
« Reply #7 on: 20 March 2003, 06:41 »

What, the truth?

you 'socialists' said that i was showing my ignorance with supporting capitialism, now i must show you your ignorance in this subject. BUSH WON the election--get over it.

No, I won't get over it, because it's a lie.

ok, but gore would have won if he would have won florida, right? of course he would have, but the important thing is, HE DIDN'T WIN THAT STATE!

We'll never know, because Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris (who was co-chair of the Bush campaign in Florida and a close associate of Bush's brother) deliberately blocked careful checking of the list of felons, with the result that thousands of Black people who were not felons and were legally entitled to vote were blocked from voting.

Precisely how Bush's cronies stole the election is documented here:

And here:,6903,409137,00.html

but you won't hear about that on your CNN.

I dont' watch CNN.

Bush is the rightful president right now.


he is a hell of a lot better then gore!!!

Just what is it about gore that you hate so much?

gore is an ass. he has done nothing good for our country, and i hope he leaves the political life forever. him and clinton are both the bane of American politics

Ugh.  Well, happily for you, he plans not to run again and is now part of the board of directors for Apple computer.    


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« Reply #8 on: 20 March 2003, 07:48 »
im modern days, what the fuck is the electorial college for in modern days when the popular vote can be quickly tallied?? i say FUCK IT, LET THE PEOPLE VOTE. but too bad most people don't understand this. maybe instead of "no taxation without representation" should be changed to "no taxation with misrepresentation"
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« Reply #9 on: 20 March 2003, 08:01 »
Siplus: *Capitalist* you sure are venomous!!! Gore won the POPULAR vote, that means more people in America wanted Gore. Linux user hit it all on the head.
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Time to Cry
« Reply #10 on: 20 March 2003, 08:10 »
Originally posted by Siplus: *Capitalist*:

you 'socialists' said that i was showing my ignorance with supporting capitialism, now i must show you your ignorance in this subject. BUSH WON the election--get over it. i'm going to snap if one more person says he stole it.


 first of all, i know that gore recieved more 'popular' votes, which is a shame, but what counts, if you didn't already know this, is the Electoral votes. only the Elector college's votes really count.

Who cares.

ok, but gore would have won if he would have won florida, right? of course he would have, but the important thing is, HE DIDN'T WIN THAT STATE! after 3 or 4 media covered recounts--some started before the last one ended--bush still had more votes. Not to mention that the recount(s) was(were) only for the most liberal counties in FL. after about a total of 15 recounts, all of which showed bush winning, they stopped them--but you won't hear about that on your CNN.

Bush is the rightful president right now. i'm not saying that he is the best man for the job (actually, i don't know if there is any man good enough for this hellish 4 year term), but he is a hell of a lot better then gore!!!

gore is an ass. he has done nothing good for our country, and i hope he leaves the political life forever. him and clinton are both the bane of American politics

If you dont like Gore get off the net, he contibuted more to it then any other president of the USA.


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« Reply #11 on: 20 March 2003, 08:17 »
If you dont like Gore get off the net, he contibuted more to it then any other president of the USA.


But seriously, the net is about free speech.  I love how people can say whatever they want here.

I may disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.


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« Reply #12 on: 20 March 2003, 21:32 »
Voltaire would kick all y'all's asses.

And so would Thomas Paine. Oh, wait. Both of them would be broke and in prision because they'd have been sued so many times by someone or another because to be outspoken and have an opinion against someone or something, means you'd better have a good lawyer, 'cos apparently they can now sue you for voicing your opinion.

Let's thank the Republicans for letting business get so big.

Let's thank the Demmies for backing up liberal movements in the legal system.

I say fuck 'em all. we should do away with political parties forever. George Washington warned against them, but NOBODY LISTENED. Well, we're fucked now.

I hate our government.
Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #13 on: 20 March 2003, 18:20 »
The reason the "Eloctoral College" was created was 1) to make it easier to count everything.  And 2) To allow the uneducated people's votes from counting.  If we moved this rule to modern time, it would show the stupid people wanted Gore, and a mix of stupid and smart people wanted Bush, which there are less of.

Bush won Florida, whether most of the people there voted for him or not.  He is the rightful president, he was smart enough to ride the electoral college for his own good.  And yes, Gore is an idiot who had done nothing for our country, including the shit with Iraq.


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« Reply #14 on: 20 March 2003, 21:39 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:
The reason the "Eloctoral College" was created was 1) to make it easier to count everything.  And 2) To allow the uneducated people's votes from counting.  If we moved this rule to modern time, it would show the stupid people wanted Gore, and a mix of stupid and smart people wanted Bush, which there are less of.

Bush won Florida, whether most of the people there voted for him or not.  He is the rightful president, he was smart enough to ride the electoral college for his own good.  And yes, Gore is an idiot who had done nothing for our country, including the shit with Iraq.

ahh. so the minority of powerful men win again. too bad for us working class slaves. we are told our vote means something, that our voices would be heard. we have seen this proved wrong in 2000, and this whole iraqi war bullshit. i do not understand the logic behind a system that lets the guy who the majority of americans do not want in office, win the presidency. i mean, really, what kind of sense does that make. and i take offense to your comments about "the stupid people". in your eyes they might be dumb, but to some of them, you're a complete retard. you really cant label a group of people dumb because they didnt vote for the guy you did.