Author Topic: Time to Cry  (Read 3747 times)


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Time to Cry
« Reply #45 on: 24 March 2003, 05:26 »
IMO, when we were first able to out think all other animals, which would lead to the human origins, whether it be creationism or evolutionism

That still seems vague to me. Are you saying there was a specific point at which man 'gained' a soul? So at some point soul-less mothers started giving birth to men with souls? And presumably it would have been morally acceptable for the men with souls to kill those without?

frankly, the life of a deer is not important. if you show me any evidence of deer creating society and using crude inventions or inginuity, then i will except them as intelligent beings.

Ok, so you believe that a creature's worth is based on its intelligence. Do you believe then that severely mentally handicapped children should be put down?

all i want to do is brutalise and oppress unborn humans? i do not understand this, please explain

I said the *living* not the unborn.

i feel human society might have lost it's best member every time an abortion took place.

Presumably then (particularly as you're a catholic) then you also think that contraception is wrong. Surely you must feel that women should spend their entire lives having as many children as they possibly can, as every year they go without having a child society may have missed out on gaining "its best member".

what if your mother had an abortion with you?

Obviously I wouldn't care as I wouldn't exist.
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Time to Cry
« Reply #46 on: 24 March 2003, 06:30 »
That still seems vague to me. Are you saying there was a specific point at which man 'gained' a soul? So at some point soul-less mothers started giving birth to men with souls? And presumably it would have been morally acceptable for the men with souls to kill those without?

if you beleive in creationism, then humans have always been more intelligent. if creationism, then i think that a 'human' as we know humans would have been the first to have original thought. at that point, then, i believe that we had become humans. when we became self-aware, we became important

Ok, so you believe that a creature's worth is based on its intelligence  


Do you believe then that severely mentally handicapped children should be put down?  


I said the *living* not the unborn  

ok then, let me rephrase my question:
all i want to do is brutalise and oppress humans? i do not understand, please explain where i have indicated this

Presumably then (particularly as you're a catholic) then you also think that contraception is wrong. Surely you must feel that women should spend their entire lives having as many children as they possibly can, as every year they go without having a child society may have missed out on gaining "its best member".

no. unpregnant women are not bearing children, so how could we as a society be "missing out" on a member of our society where no child exists? when one aborts, they are actually killing a human, by not bearing children, you are not killing anything

Obviously I wouldn't care as I wouldn't exist.

obviously i mentioned that in my previous post...

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Time to Cry
« Reply #47 on: 24 March 2003, 06:40 »
so you would rather have a child have its and its parents lives ruined and horrible.  Living in poverty, hunger, pain, etc, etc.  Instead of putting it out of its misery before its even visible by the naked eye?

do u believe that uethanasia is wrong (sorry for the horrible spelling, if you can't get the word think of Dr. Kavorkian)  That people that are in pain and suffering should just suffer to their very last day?  Do you believe in torture I guess is what I'm getting to. because it seems you do.

Also, should stupid parent's mistakes ruin the life of a kid?  Thats wrong for stupid people to ruin other people's lives.

[ March 23, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]


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Time to Cry
« Reply #48 on: 24 March 2003, 07:06 »
 Thats wrong for stupid people to ruin other people's lives.

you people still don't get it, do you? yes, it's horrible if your life sucks. it IS wrong for stupid people to ruin another's life, but it is WORCE to COMPLETELY REMOVE THEM FROM THE WORLD BY EXECUTING THEM!!!

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Time to Cry
« Reply #49 on: 24 March 2003, 21:06 »
but they dont realize it... they never experianced the world. You KNOW you would rather have experianced NOTHING than to have experianced a world of horror/pain/death/hunger/sickness/cruelty. Dont lie.
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Time to Cry
« Reply #50 on: 24 March 2003, 21:22 »
Originally posted by Siplus: *Capitalist*:

i do not consider people stupid by who the vote for. it is their decision. that is--for all except everyone who voted for Gore. i will let this statement go for now, if you want me to explain myself i most certainly will

How about NO scott.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #51 on: 24 March 2003, 21:46 »
Originally posted by Windows XP Hater #2874586:
but they dont realize it... they never experianced the world. You KNOW you would rather have experianced NOTHING than to have experianced a world of horror/pain/death/hunger/sickness/cruelty. Dont lie.

I have to agree with this guy on this specific thing.


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Time to Cry
« Reply #52 on: 12 April 2003, 07:00 »
actually, i believe that the church would respond like this, which i agree with: the mother has already lived much of her life, the baby has not. the baby has done nothing, and yet you would advocate killing it? it sounds like killing the innocent baby is more cruel then letting the mother die (now i agree, both situations are bad)
Here is how I see it. If the baby becomes a threat to the life of the mother, then, it is most definitely not "innocent". Indeed, it has become a dangerous intruder, no different than the assailant who kicks down her bedroom door in the middle of the night. It is her right to defend herself in either case. If it is not wrong to pull a pistol and splatter the assailant's brains all over the wall, then it is not wrong for her to save her life by aborting that baby.

So far as how "the church" would respond, I really don't care. If "the church" wants to make such rules for its members, then that's its business. If those members want to follow such rules, then that's their business. All I ask is the "the church" mind its own business and not attempt to make and enforce its rules on me.
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[ April 11, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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