Author Topic: I got Panther  (Read 2899 times)


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I got Panther
« on: 25 June 2003, 22:15 »
Its so cool, although has a lot of little bugs, mostly visual.  And the fast user switch thing, the cube thing doesn't happen.

It is so awesome.  i got it from bit torrent.  The torrent file was on the mac newsgroups if anyone wants to go hunting.


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I got Panther
« Reply #1 on: 25 June 2003, 23:29 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
Its so cool, although has a lot of little bugs, mostly visual.  And the fast user switch thing, the cube thing doesn't happen.

It is so awesome.  i got it from bit torrent.  The torrent file was on the mac newsgroups if anyone wants to go hunting.

Prolly an old version, or maybe the cubing thing requires some kind of high end graphics card like QE.

Whatever... Apple has a good history of releasing stable versions. Im sure when the final comes out in August the majority of bugs will be squished, anything remaining will be minor, and repaird in subsequent patches.

This is another thing Apple does well, the versions last a good while, and patches are speedy and FREE! Windoze wishes they were this cool.


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I got Panther
« Reply #2 on: 26 June 2003, 01:28 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:

Prolly an old version, or maybe the cubing thing requires some kind of high end graphics card like QE.

Whatever... Apple has a good history of releasing stable versions. Im sure when the final comes out in August the majority of bugs will be squished, anything remaining will be minor, and repaird in subsequent patches.

This is another thing Apple does well, the versions last a good while, and patches are speedy and FREE! Windoze wishes they were this cool.

it has much potential.  I am so glad they got a network neighborhood.  I was so tired of the connect to server box.  As I type this I am preparing to have Jaguar on my 40gb HD and Panther on my 60gb.  Panther will be my primary, but Jag will be there to back me up.  Expos


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I got Panther
« Reply #3 on: 26 June 2003, 04:48 »
As I continue to use Panther I find that the Finder is unfunnily unstable.  When u do one search it works.  Then you hit back or the x next to the search button and search again.  The little spinny lines go and go and never find anything.  Then if u close the window, push the x, or click back the finder closes.  Also, when it closes the finder icon reverts back to the old one.  The only way to get the new finder icon back is to close the dock by doing killall Dock.

Also, Expos


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I got Panther
« Reply #4 on: 26 June 2003, 07:11 »
Another Update...

I am pleased to report that Apple fixed the problem with Brushed Metal Apps.  This problem being if a window using brushed metal is in the background and you click, for example, the minimize button.  The window used to (in Jag) come to the front then minimize.  If you did this to a non brished metal app it would just minimize in the background.  In Panther brushed metal apps no longer come to the front.  Go ahead and try it, open a safari window and 2 finder windows. put one finder window above the safari window and one below. then while in the finder, click the yellow button on safari, notice it comes to the front then minimizes (very annoying).  Now minimize the rearmost finder window, see how it stays in the back and minimizes.  This is how all apps work in panther.


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I got Panther
« Reply #5 on: 26 June 2003, 07:37 »
Just started up after installing it.  I'm laughing out loud at the *slickness* of the damn thing.  Laughing out of joy.  The way applications start up so damn fast is nuts.  I love the scrolling in Safari -- it's the same exact version I have on Jaguar (1.0), but I swear it doesn't do this there.  Sheets slide down incredibly fast now.  Various other interface tweaks that are really cool.

OK, let me play around some more . . .


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I got Panther
« Reply #6 on: 26 June 2003, 08:59 »
You gosh darn lucky people.  :mad:


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I got Panther
« Reply #7 on: 26 June 2003, 21:24 »
Originally posted by Webmaster:
Just started up after installing it.  I'm laughing out loud at the *slickness* of the damn thing.  Laughing out of joy.  The way applications start up so damn fast is nuts.  I love the scrolling in Safari -- it's the same exact version I have on Jaguar (1.0), but I swear it doesn't do this there.  Sheets slide down incredibly fast now.  Various other interface tweaks that are really cool.

OK, let me play around some more . . .

windows calls that "Smooth Scrolling"  I don't really like it, it stops after I stop, it looks better though.  I wish you could turn it off.

Also, tabs are all gone (not safari) I mean tabs as in tabs for programs, here is a screenshot...
Those aqua buttons, password, picture, etc.  Would have
been tabs on Jag.

Seeing how all animations are smoother in Panther, I would assume that Apple enhanced QE.  I don't like how fast they go though.  I kind of wish they were still like they were in Jag.  Every animation, from sheets, to minimizing is like 2x as fast, too fast for me.

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


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I got Panther
« Reply #8 on: 26 June 2003, 10:12 »
Some bad news...

Toast Titanium Won't open in Panther.  This is bad because Disk Copy seems to have of been combined into the finder in 10.3.  So I have no way to erase a cdrw or dvdrw without booting into Jag or, I may be able to run Jag's disk copy... lemme see. Nope, it quits when I select erase.  Well... just have to wait I guess.  Well its off to bed with me.  More Panther Reports in the morning.


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I got Panther
« Reply #9 on: 26 June 2003, 11:10 »
i..... want........ panther.....

but i cannot use warez [/lie]

all i can say is share the wealth duders  ;)

(by the way. i hate you all for having it right now. jealous like no other     :mad:    :D


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I got Panther
« Reply #10 on: 26 June 2003, 11:22 »

just out of curiosity, wut build is ur copy of Panther.

Mine is 7A179


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I got Panther
« Reply #11 on: 27 June 2003, 00:23 »
Another Panther Update...

So far after doing some Photoshop and Finder and iPhoto all at the same time, I have found that currentl, Panther has really really bad process management.  Photoshop and iPhoto can slow everything to a crawl while in the background and Finder does it even worse.  So to make it work all good I had to manually manage the Procsesis.  I used the Renice command in the terminal to set the Finder to +20 (lowest priority) Photoshop +19.  This way the Huge app and the unstable app will never get in the way of any of my other Apps.  They will fix this I'm sure, just a simple matter of redefining default priorities (and fixing this crash tastic finder)

Also, more bad news, those who expected the new Finder to be Cocoa (like me).  Your dreams have been shot down.  It is still Carbon, sry.


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I got Panther
« Reply #12 on: 27 June 2003, 05:55 »
not that anyone seems to give a shit, but I feel it is my duty to report anything I find in Panther of interest.

I created a webdav server via apache as I have done before with Jag.  I checked the info of the server after I connected to it.  It said I had 2 TB left on it and 2TB total size.  That was a weird bug.  I am not sure if that is from the server or the client.  I am also not sure if Jaguar did this too.  Just weird... I wish I had 2 TB


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I got Panther
« Reply #13 on: 27 June 2003, 08:17 »
Another update.

I finally got a hold of the Developer tools, I then tried to install wget from source, no go.  I then tried the darwin port thing again (last time I tried it couldn't download the stuff it needed) this time it downloaded everything it needed, its just like Fink but much easier and automatic.  I installed wget off of it fine.  Good job apple and

I spoke too soon.  Right when I clicked post there was a privileges error, could not put the wget program in the /opt/local/bin directory.  So I tried to switch to the root user and run it.  No errors, however it still would not run when I typed wget.  So then I tried /opt/local/bin/wget and viola it worked.  I looked around on the net how to make aliases in the .cshrc (if that is not the right file I don't know wut is) to make it so when i typed wget it would actually type /opt/local/bin/wget.  If anyone knows how to do this please let me know as I really need to know how to do this.

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


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I got Panther
« Reply #14 on: 27 June 2003, 21:13 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
i got it from bit torrent.  The torrent file was on the mac newsgroups if anyone wants to go hunting.
Where does one find this "bit torrent" program?

And yes I am actually watching this thread, I'm very interested in Panther

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe: too lazy to post much ]

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