Author Topic: I got Panther  (Read 2934 times)


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I got Panther
« Reply #15 on: 27 June 2003, 21:58 »
Originally posted by bossesjoe: too lazy to post much:
Where does one find this "bit torrent" program?

And yes I am actually watching this thread, I'm very interested in Panther

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe: too lazy to post much ]

Bittorrent is at:
and the Torrent files for Jag and Dev tools are at:
*Quite often you get a tracker error (u will see it when u open a torrent file) just leave the torrent file open and eventually it will start downloading.  Oh ya, be good to the community, leave Bit Torrent on after your finished and don't move the downloaded files, this way you can help others download wut u already downloaded.  Of course when u need to restart to intsall Panther, don't let it slow you down, but use OSX's multitasking and just leave it there until the last possible second.

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


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I got Panther
« Reply #16 on: 27 June 2003, 23:46 »
after about a day of use, Panther is starting to calm down.  Getting a little bit slower and a lot more stable.  The finder hasn't crashed on me yet today.  I have my whole site back online on Panther and on Jag, so I can be in either OS and my site will work fine.  Since school is over I think I'm gonna start working on actually building my Web Site.  I love Panther, Expos


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I got Panther
« Reply #17 on: 28 June 2003, 00:26 »
Actually, I would prefer the Systems Preferences to close when you close the window because I always winde up leaving it open and I don't use it very much. Maybe there should be a way to customize this . . .


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I got Panther
« Reply #18 on: 28 June 2003, 02:13 »
Originally posted by M51DPS:
Actually, I would prefer the Systems Preferences to close when you close the window because I always winde up leaving it open and I don't use it very much. Maybe there should be a way to customize this . . .

I guess it is a matter of opinion.

More updates...
The finder is very cool, the User Centric Finder as Stevey calls it.  However it has one flaw (a bug type flaw, not a design flaw).  When you have items stored in the left column then u access those items by any way other method than that column it shows the entire path to what you selected.  The path starts with "Computer" which is no longer even necissary in the Finder and should be removed completely.  After that is just finds it how you would find it in Jaguar.

I am pleased to report that in the prefs when you select "Open New Windows in Column View" it actually opens them in column view, unlike Jag.

Also in the Finder is a Network Neighborhood type feature, very similar to Windows.  I like it much better than the Connect to box, however it sucks.  It rarely works, and I have never gotten it to work with a windows box.  So generally I end up using Connect to anyways, which is much different.  It no longer searches for computers on your network.  You just have to know the path.  Thankfully the macs can access eachother with Rendezvous names (which is the name of your computer, spaces replaced with -'s, then.local.. so My Computer's name is PowerMac, my Rendezvous name is powermac.local)  I have not tried to connect with a Windows computer because I don't want to go searching for its IP address and I have had no reason to do so so far.

More on the Finder, you can still drag files and stuff to the toolbar on the top if you don't want to use the one on the side... however, there is no way to hide the side toolbar without hiding the top toolbar.  Its either all or none.  Also when u select Use Small Icons and Text the back arrow, action button, and view buttons don't get smaller, they just look more embedded into the metal (a bug, I'm sure)

A sign of a bad hack... The network neighborhood thing I was talking about seems to just find the network drives u want to connect to.. then it mounts them but hides them,  if I look in /Volumes they are mounted there, but if I look in "Computer" or on the desktop or on the left column of the finder they are not there.  Then comes the problem of them getting unmounted which doens't always happen and errors happen.  It is just a bad hack, mounting stuff on the fly then hiding it.  Apple should find a new way to do this.  Nothing good can happen from this sort of hack.

So that is probably that for tonight, I'm sure I'll find more stuff to post tomorrow.

*Edit* Never mind about what I said about hiding the left column.  You can hide it without hiding the top column, no worries.

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


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I got Panther
« Reply #19 on: 29 June 2003, 01:21 »
i also have the panther preview, and it doesn't seem like too much of an improvement.

some good changes, like the finder, font book, expose, etc.. but nothing too major. to me, expose would be the feature i like best.


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I got Panther
« Reply #20 on: 29 June 2003, 08:10 »
i really would like to be able to have a choice between closing the app by hitting the button on the window, or having to go to the apple menu and actually quitting the app. would be nice  ;)

it is nice to be able to close all the windows and still have the program running, but i tire of hitting command q or moving my mouse all the way to the top of the screen to quit the app. oh well, im sure there is a hack for it somewhere.


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I got Panther
« Reply #21 on: 29 June 2003, 21:52 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:951:
i really would like to be able to have a choice between closing the app by hitting the button on the window, or having to go to the apple menu and actually quitting the app. would be nice   ;)  

it is nice to be able to close all the windows and still have the program running, but i tire of hitting command q or moving my mouse all the way to the top of the screen to quit the app. oh well, im sure there is a hack for it somewhere.

it is a godsend to be able to leave apps open.  I wish I could do it on Windows, but they take too much screenspace.  Also, you don't have to go to the top of the window or use cmd q to quit.  You can control/right click on the icon in the dock to quit.. or my fav, which works in Jag and works better in Panther.  hold cmd then push tab until you get the to the program u want to quit, then push the q key.  I do that all the time.  Clearing out open apps just cmd tab q tab q tab q tab q.  Also if you push h it will hide the app.


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I got Panther
« Reply #22 on: 29 June 2003, 22:54 »
I really don't like how files look when they are selected now.  It looks a lot like Windows XP (even though XP doesn't do this, if it did, it would look just like this).. screenshot
I don't mind the semitransparent square around the icon, but the bubble around the name is what bothers me.

More bad news.  Camino and Firebird don't work.  Camino opens and you can type in any url and it instantly says it is finished loading but nothing loads.  Firebird just quits. might have a bitch of a problem with Panther, since it doesn't seem to be how they are coded, but the Mozilla engine itself.  Since Camino is cocoa I can assume that it would work until it needed the Gecko engine, since Firebird isn't cocoa (I think) it just sort of quits.

Preview is much faster at reading PDF's.  I'd say at least twice as fast as Jag's preview.

The Finder has a lot of problems unmounting discs and network drives and stuff, sometimes it just doesn't do it and the only way I have found to unmount them is to restart.

A lot of buttons, especially in Photoshop get cut off half way.

Just remember this is BETA software, I'm sure all of these bugs will get fixed and I'm sure Mozilla will be either fixed by Apple or by the Mozilla people.


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I got Panther
« Reply #23 on: 30 June 2003, 21:09 »
well, this is my last day in American.... for 2 weeks

I'm heading off to Germany

no new stuff on Panther from me for 2 weeks.
I'm sure ThinkSecret will have much better coverage of Panther than i do.

so Auf Wiedersehen


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I got Panther
« Reply #24 on: 1 July 2003, 00:26 »
Which town?


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I got Panther
« Reply #25 on: 1 July 2003, 00:50 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
Which town?

whole bunch
we start in Frankfurt then Berlin then Wittenberg then Nuremburg then Munich then Salzburg then Neschwanstein then Strasbourg then back to Frankfurt to come back to the Good old USA.

Its gonna be a tiring trip, but fun.


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I got Panther
« Reply #26 on: 1 July 2003, 01:14 »
Sounds really cool. Have fun  


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I got Panther
« Reply #27 on: 1 July 2003, 01:51 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:

it is a godsend to be able to leave apps open.  I wish I could do it on Windows, but they take too much screenspace.  Also, you don't have to go to the top of the window or use cmd q to quit.  You can control/right click on the icon in the dock to quit.. or my fav, which works in Jag and works better in Panther.  hold cmd then push tab until you get the to the program u want to quit, then push the q key.  I do that all the time.  Clearing out open apps just cmd tab q tab q tab q tab q.  Also if you push h it will hide the app.

i know about the ways to close apps in jag. When i click and hold on an icon in the dock, i get a menu to quit the app. no problem. But i still want the choice to have some apps, or all apps, or however i want it, to ba able to be "quit" by closing the window. Of course, that can get weird for some apps like photoshop, which doesnt have a main window. If i close the image, will it shut down the app? kinda sucks that way. Maybe it is best to leave it the way it is  ;)

I really don't like how files look when they are selected now. It looks a lot like Windows XP (even though XP doesn't do this, if it did, it would look just like this).. screenshot
I don't mind the semitransparent square around the icon, but the bubble around the name is what bothers me.

i kinda like it. I have a question; can you click on an icon, by clicking in the negative space? you know how some apps icons have a lot of empty space, and you cannot click it unless you are directly touch it. Is it now based on a set area, like the "hit" area on an empty button in flash? That has been one of my biggest gripes with jaguar, not being to able to select an icon because my cursor wasn't directly on top of it.

I do not think i was very clear on this. I will try to upload some illsutrations to help me, uh... illustrate it..


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I got Panther
« Reply #28 on: 1 July 2003, 02:30 »
I wish Panther would run worth two shits in a bag on my not-so-old iMac/600.


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I got Panther
« Reply #29 on: 1 July 2003, 04:28 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:951:

i kinda like it. I have a question; can you click on an icon, by clicking in the negative space? you know how some apps icons have a lot of empty space, and you cannot click it unless you are directly touch it. Is it now based on a set area, like the "hit" area on an empty button in flash? That has been one of my biggest gripes with jaguar, not being to able to select an icon because my cursor wasn't directly on top of it.

I do not think i was very clear on this. I will try to upload some illsutrations to help me, uh... illustrate it..

No.  You still have to select the icon or an icons shadow (if it has one) you cannot click on negative space around the icon.  Also, you cannot click the space on the inside of the icon (if its blank, that is) but Quicktime somehow managed to avoid this and with the QT icon you can select the negative space in the middle.