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All Mac gamers must rejoice!!

World of Warcraft for Mac OS X Announced

All must bow before the Blizzard Gods!!!

does warcraft III use 2 buttons like diablo 2...if it does, how does it work? i play diablo 2, and i NEED both buttons!

Guess who hates MMORPGs?

Believe me by the time I get enough money for a Mac,  I sure as hell am not spending $13 a month to play a game.   :mad:  

Good news for all you rich kids out there though!

13 bucks a month aint that much, especially if you have a job. So I have about a year to find a job before this game comes out. I've never played an MMORPG and I've heard good and bad things about them, but this one is gonna rock for a fact!!!

quote:does warcraft III use 2 buttons like diablo 2...if it does, how does it work? i play diablo 2, and i NEED both buttons!
--- End quote ---

You mean the mouse buttons? Yes, as long as you're playing in OS X both mouse buttons work (maybe OS 9, I wouldn't know since I haven't used it for a year).

It's Everquest with War3 characters. Don't get your hopes up, ALL MMORPGs are just EQ clones. You kill stuff, you get phat lewt, you level, you repeat. Not my kind of game.


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