Operating Systems > macOS
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP Hater #2874586:
It's Everquest with War3 characters. Don't get your hopes up, ALL MMORPGs are just EQ clones. You kill stuff, you get phat lewt, you level, you repeat. Not my kind of game.
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If you knew anything about it you'd know that Blizzard is learning from other MMORPGs' mistakes including EQ. Yes, there will be a purpose besides killing things and leveling up, that's one of the major things they've made sure of.
From an article written by someone who visited Blizzard HQ:
quote:So as I was saying, I was thinking to myself, "How can this get better than it [Ever Quest] was?" Boy was I in for a surprise. Aside from the gameworld being way, way more developed, this time they showed me their UI, Quest Engine, Tradeskilling Engine, you name it, it was rolled out... All those complaints we've had in Everquest, and other MMORPGS were addressed. Essentially, you could look at the game and see that this game was built by people that LOVED to game. People that had faced the same damn frustrations we face and have faced daily. No more carpal tunnal syndrome tradeskilling. No more 45 hour Jboot camps. No idiotic quests, instead quests with meaning and meaningful rewards starting at lvl 1 and moving onward. To top it off, an intricately designed combat and spellcasting engine that didn't look and feel like absolute crap. Even PvP seemed like something people would WANT to participate in - something I had previously deemed impossible for an MMORPG to combine into a PvE oriented world with success.
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[ May 15, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]
I'm pretty sure that exact same thing you just posted was said by Mythic when they made DAOC. And look at how DAOC turned out. :mad: (god that was a waste of money)
I remember Mythic RANTING about how epic their quest system was, and it was worse than EQ's. They also ranted about how easy it was to level up, and how great realm combat was. Both of those were total crap. If anyone can make a good MMORPG I'm gonna say its Bethesta. Blizzard is good but I'm afraid they're just gonna jump on the EQ bandwagon.
[ May 16, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]
If they tweaked up the walk speeds Morrowind would own as a MMORPG.
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP Hater #2874586:
I'm pretty sure that exact same thing you just posted was said by Mythic when they made DAOC. And look at how DAOC turned out. :mad: (god that was a waste of money)
I remember Mythic RANTING about how epic their quest system was, and it was worse than EQ's. They also ranted about how easy it was to level up, and how great realm combat was. Both of those were total crap. If anyone can make a good MMORPG I'm gonna say its Bethesta. Blizzard is good but I'm afraid they're just gonna jump on the EQ bandwagon.
[ May 16, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]
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Heretic!!! infidel!!! The Blizzard Gods rule all!!
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