Operating Systems > macOS
wow I need eye candy
quote:Originally posted by flap:
Yes it is. NeXt is a BSD-based system, as is OSX. Considering apple themselves are quick to tout OSX as being "Unix based" I don't know what your problem is. Whether it "is Unix" or not is arguable, since unofficially the term "Unix" is pretty nebulous so it's difficult to say that one thing is Unix and another thing isn't.
--- End quote ---
no it isn't. unix is a trademarked term, and anything that is not officially labeled "unix" by the so called "open group" (the group of private companies with ownership of the word unix), is simply not unix.
i might add this includes linux, all the bsds, nextstep, macosx, hurd, aix, sunOS, solaris ad infinitum. NOTHING is unix, when you look into it at all.
this is why i think people should justget over it and realise that unix is used conversationally to describe systems which share a general set of concepts and aims rather than actually "being" unix in any way.
the "is it really unix" argument is even more dumb and pointless than the "which distro of linux is better" one.
Yes it is. He was suggesting they're not "Unix variants", which is arguable, but NeXt and OSX are Unix-based. That doesn't mean they necessarily are Unix, either officially or "conversationally".
And for the record, AIX and Solaris actually are certified Unix by the Open Group.
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