Operating Systems > macOS
Switching from Microsoft to Apple??????
i switched last summer. i was using 10.1 for about 2 weeks and hated it. then 10.2 came out. i bought that and never looked back. osX is the most perfect os i have ever used. fuck a windows. i use a mac. i now own two macs. a dual 1ghz G4, and an old clamshell tangerine ibook. i love my mac.
trust me. after using your mac for about a week, you will wonder why you didnt switch earlier :D
What can I say here? The others have covered me fully! :D Let me just agree with the rest, that once you get a Mac, you'll never look back (shit, it rhymes :D ). Can you believe that I prefer working on my 12" screen iBook running OS X.2 than my 14" screen Toshiba one? In fact, I'm doing 80% of my work on my iBook! Anyway, take our word for it, save some cash and get a Mac! You definitely won't regret it! ;)
My whole life I've used almost entirely macs while nearly everyone else in my community owns pc's :( . I often hear about the problems other people have with their pc's. Too bad they're all stupid sheep who would never switch and will probably always worship the xbox :rolleyes: (unfortunatly this year my school "upgraded" from macs to pc's :eek: ) . I've used Mac OS 7 through 10.2 and almost everything in between, and hope to try Linux sometime soon. I've never been happier with Jaguar .
[ April 07, 2003: Message edited by: M51DPS ]
quote:Originally posted by cwedl:
If you have been a Mac user all your life, have you ever used a microsoft PC, and would you ever switch????
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I've used Macs my entire life and just over the past six months I've started using Windows 2000 regularly at school. Every time I use it I get a sick feeling and the horrible aesthetic design alone makes me want to hurl. It's just gray when you have a program open but no windows?? C'mon what the fuck is that??? It's called fucking Windows for crying out fucking loud!!! Our teacher also tried to lock us out of the menus and stuff so the desktop can only stay a boring blue (which clashes with the light blue-gray of the Window panes by the way!) but Windows is so horribly designed that all you have to do is go into some obscure folders and convert an image with Paint and you can bypass this!! But don't get me started on the faults of Windows 2000!!
Anyway, if I had to switch to Windows completely, if I didn't die of a stroke when I heard the news in the first place, then I would have to hang myself or something.
I've used Macs my entire life and just over the past six months I've started using Windows 2000 regularly at school. Every time I use it I get a sick feeling and the horrible aesthetic design alone makes me want to hurl. It's just gray when you have a program open but no windows?? C'mon what the fuck is that? It's called fucking Windows for crying out fucking loud! Our teacher also tried to lock us out of the menus and stuff so the desktop can only stay a boring blue (which clashes with the light blue-gray of the Window panes by the way!) but Windows is so horribly designed that all you have to do is go into some obscure folders and convert an image with Paint and you can bypass this!! But don't get me started on the faults of Windows 2000!!
Anyway, if I had to switch to Windows completely, if I didn't die of a stroke when I heard the news in the first place, then I would have to hang myself or something.
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I have the same feelings, which is why I try to use school computers as little as possible and do all my projects at home on a real computer. I hate microsoft :mad: .
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