quote:Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:I heard there was no such thing, but then I saw a pic of Panos's comp. Where can you download them and how many are there?
quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:Odd. The Themes section of ResExcellence is gone for the time being. You can still find them elsewhere, but I hope the pages are brought back.
quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:I highly recommend using ThemeChanger instead of Duality. Duality has problems with many themes, but ThemeChanger never has and is a lot faster.
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:Is there a bluecurve skin for OS X? I somehow think that'd look cool. Like GNOME but with true alpha blending and windows shadows.
quote:Originally posted by Panos:Easy. Get ThemeChanger and Aquarestore and you'll go back to Aqua.
quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:That is, use Aqua restore first.