Operating Systems > macOS
OS X skins
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Is there a bluecurve skin for OS X? I somehow think that'd look cool. Like GNOME but with true alpha blending and windows shadows.
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I don't think so but it'd be cool! The BlueCurve theme rocks in RH and it'd be perfect if someone made a similar theme for OS X.
[ May 10, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]
Unlucky me... in my haste to change my desktop I downloaded and installed the one theme that doesn't require ThemeChanger to install. Now I'm stuck with Shinobi and I don't know how to get aqua back. WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Easy. Get ThemeChanger and Aquarestore and you'll go back to Aqua.
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
Easy. Get ThemeChanger and Aquarestore and you'll go back to Aqua.
--- End quote ---
That is, use Aqua restore first.
NOTE: it dosn't allways work, the best option is to stick to the themes at Resex, and heed all warnings from your themeChanger.
quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
That is, use Aqua restore first.
--- End quote ---
Oops, my last post wasn't very clear, was it? Thanks for clearing it out psyjax. :D
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