Operating Systems > macOS

OS X skins

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quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:
Odd. The Themes section of ResExcellence is gone for the time being. You can still find them elsewhere, but I hope the pages are brought back.
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It's still there, they just renamed it MacOSX Themes:


Yes, themes rock!    Duality 4 also rocks and is more stable than any other previous version I've used. I only have two themes though for the time being, Power Ice Blue and Brushed, the latter of which is my preference.  

I highly recommend using ThemeChanger instead of Duality. Duality has problems with many themes, but ThemeChanger never has and is a lot faster.


quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:
I highly recommend using ThemeChanger instead of Duality. Duality has problems with many themes, but ThemeChanger never has and is a lot faster.
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Just remember to heed all warnings, if ThemeChanger says the theme may not work, then it won't. I caked my system once with it, It wasen't very fun.

Is there a bluecurve skin for OS X?  I somehow think that'd look cool.  Like GNOME but with true alpha blending and windows shadows.


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