Author Topic: iTunes for Windows!!  (Read 2656 times)


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iTunes for Windows!!
« on: 17 October 2003, 00:12 »
Perhaps Apple should just do the work from now on. All the M$ staff can just to the marketing.
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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #1 on: 17 October 2003, 01:51 »

Maybe this will convince my dad about how great Apple products are.

Too bad Canada doesn't have access to the iTMS yet...   :(  

Not that my dad cares, though, as he prefers to st... I mean 'illegally acquire' music.


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #2 on: 17 October 2003, 01:56 »
Laukev7: Has half Macman's posts: 'illegally acquire' music.

Or back-up his legally acquired CD's to mp3  

It's actually legal in my country to download music and movies from Gnutella, eDonkey, KaZaA, etc., but it's illegal to share them.

So if you're wondering why all people from the Netherlands are non-sharing leechers, you know now  ;)


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #3 on: 17 October 2003, 02:21 »
So here's my screenshot of iTunes on Windoze:

iTunes for Windoze

Personally, I don't see where the fuss is about. It's hogs up too much of my CPU, only to play some (legal) mp3.


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #4 on: 17 October 2003, 02:30 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
So here's my screenshot of iTunes on Windoze:

iTunes for Windoze

Personally, I don't see where the fuss is about. It's hogs up too much of my CPU, only to play some (legal) mp3.

I don't know about the windows port. But on the Mac, it's the best freakin Mp3 player ever! It kicks the shit outta winAmp and XMMS.


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #5 on: 17 October 2003, 02:42 »
Originally posted by Refalm:

Or back-up his legally acquired CD's to mp3    

It's actually legal in my country to download music and movies from Gnutella, eDonkey, KaZaA, etc., but it's illegal to share them.

So if you're wondering why all people from the Netherlands are non-sharing leechers, you know now   ;)  

Oh, right. I forgot that that was legal in my country as well.  :D

Uh, copying music without redeeming?


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #6 on: 17 October 2003, 03:04 »
Well, Im running iTunes on my win2k box. What can I say, it's excellent!

This is the best MP3/music player ever, hands down.


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #7 on: 17 October 2003, 03:35 »
Doesn't look right without a shadow, and that title bar and menu are horrid

it goes on my pc when I get on it.


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #8 on: 17 October 2003, 04:20 »
I know why iTunes is hogging my CPU, even when I'm going nothing at all.

It scans the mp3's and determines how high the volume is, so you won't get that "broken volume button" effect, and it's nice if you use headphones.

Kinda like Winamp and Noatun does, but different. I like it.

[ October 16, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #9 on: 17 October 2003, 04:38 »
What is so great about it? It has a nice playlist layout but my god, it sure is a memory hog. It is a CPU hog when Audio Enhancements are enabled. It adds 2 services that aren't even nessicary(iTunes Helper and iPod service). IT should only turn on the iPod service if you actually have drivers for an iPod installed on your system(meaning you have an iPod). It doesn't automatically retrieve and display album art(you have to manually drag album art pics to the album art popup), It doesn't have a taskbar player and It doesn't even play video. Sure it lets you burn Audio CD's from a playlist, but WMP 9 does that as well. I think I'll stick with WMP9.

[ October 16, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #10 on: 17 October 2003, 05:57 »
The nice thing about iTunes is that if you have several thousand songs on your computer iTunes makes it really easy to find the songs you want fast. It plays audio, it burns CD's, you can even buy audio with it and burn it onto CD's. I'm not sure how well this works on your machine.  But its very nice on mine  :D

and It doesn't even play video  

Dude, what the hell is wrong with you ?  Did not the name "iTunes" clue into you that maybe it was for playing AUDIO ?

And whats this i hear you whining about it being a CPU and memory hog ?  I thought you were running a 3ghz Pentium 4 ? Isn't that enough to run itunes while you do web, email, and chat at least ?  

I'm running a 700mhz G4, and it does all those things while running iTunes just fine.

[ October 16, 2003: Message edited by: mushrooomprince ]

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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #11 on: 17 October 2003, 06:03 »
Originally posted by mushrooomprince:

Dude, what the hell is wrong with you ?  Did not the name "iTunes" clue into you that maybe it was for playing AUDIO ?

And whats this i hear you whining about it being a CPU and memory hog ?  I thought you were running a 3ghz Pentium 4 ? Isn't that enough to run itunes while you do web, email, and chat at least ?

I'm running a 700mhz G4, and it does all those things while running iTunes just fine.

Oh yeah, it runs fine in conjunction with web browsing, chatting and E-Mail. However, I prefer using something lighter on memory and CPU cycles because I opt to listen to real music when I play games(instead of the game music). Every Megabyte free and every CPU cycle free counts when you play new, graphicly intense games. Granted, iTunes isn't a CPU hog unless you enable it's crappy audio enhancements(enhancements that aren't even really all that noticable) but regardless it loves to guzzle the Ram(just to play music mind you). The real kicker is WMP 9 uses 5-6x memory when it is playing audio. WMP uses over 4x less memory to play a 650MB video than it takes iTunes to play a 4MB music file.

The damn iTunes doesn't even have a taskbar player, it isn't skinnable, it is bigger and clunkier than WMP in full mode(WMP9's size can be reduced via a skin or minimize it to the taskbar player). Oh yeah, that WMP memory usage was with a playlist of 170 songs loaded and a visualization running. The iTunes memory usage I posted was with a playlist that only had 1 song and no visualizations were running.

And to think, some of you claim that WMP 9 is bloated and is a resource hog. Why don't you same people bitch when another app is alot worse with resource usage and does less than the player that you bitch about. Oh, I know why...because you are in love with Apple...they can't do wrong. They can't possibly be bad at writing code for their apps.  :rolleyes:    

WMP 9 uses less resources than iTunes and it does more than iTunes can do.

Anyways, Shut the fuck up unless you have something useful to say to me.    

[ October 16, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #12 on: 17 October 2003, 07:52 »
i play games all the time running iTunes in the background, though I'm not using the windows version

 I'm sure it will much better anyway
just say know


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #13 on: 17 October 2003, 08:09 »
well in windows it may hog memory, buts a damn site better music app when it comes to sorting playlists and such. I don't see the hit cuz I got a ton of RAM. In anycase OSX manages the memory better than windows.

AS far as not playing video, thats the schizophrenic plague alot of windows apps have. They try to be all in one swiss army knives, instead of doing one thing well.

Meh... I still like it better than WMP.


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iTunes for Windows!!
« Reply #14 on: 17 October 2003, 08:12 »
I use the Mac version of iTunes at school occasionally, but I never really had the chance of using it to it full potential. I wouldn't want to disturb the students, see.    

I am using the Windows version right now. I love it!

[ October 16, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7: Has half Macman's posts ]