Operating Systems > macOS

What should be in OS XI?

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What do mac users think of new stuff in the next Mac OS?
These are some of my ideas:

-Custom interface, aqua looks cool, but it can get annoying
-X11 should ship with the OS preinstalled
-A single user mode, that assumes that you are the root and admin user so you don't have to always enter passwords
-More professional grade apps
-More system apps like terminal
-Runs '.exe' programs (i wish)


quote: -Custom interface, aqua looks cool, but it can get annoying
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Aqua is OK, but I agree, it should be as customizeable out of the box as GNOME or KDE.

quote: -X11 should ship with the OS preinstalled
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Yes indeed, that would be great.

quote: -A single user mode, that assumes that you are the root and admin user so you don't have to always enter passwords
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That sounds like something LindowsOS or Microsoft would do.  Entering a password now and then is nothing compared to the security benefits gained by running as a limited user most of the time.

quote: -Runs '.exe' programs (i wish)
--- End quote ---

No, '.exe' programs are usually viruses and are altogether evil.

The ability to cook you breakfast!

Just kidding...

What would be nice: a way to translate other system

It should open source!


quote:Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:
It should open source!
--- End quote ---

With OS X, the only thing proprietary is the interface (aqua). If they were to take bossesjoe's suggestion of customizable interfaces, then everything would be open source.


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