Operating Systems > macOS
What should be in OS XI?
quote:Originally posted by bossesjoe:
What do mac users think of new stuff in the next Mac OS?
These are some of my ideas:
-Custom interface, aqua looks cool, but it can get annoying
-X11 should ship with the OS preinstalled
-A single user mode, that assumes that you are the root and admin user so you don't have to always enter passwords
-More professional grade apps
-More system apps like terminal
-Runs '.exe' programs (i wish)
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I agree with your first two ideas. Aqua can sometimes get annoying and I don't like to use any theme switchers. X11 should also be there by default, at least in an accompanying CD, like Developer's Tools in 10.2.
The idea about a single user's mode could pose a serious security risk and yes, it also reminds me of Lindows. :D I don't know exactly what you mean by "professional grade apps", but I think that OS X comes with all the apps a simple user might use.
The terminal in OS X is already there (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal). I don't know if you meant something different. Oh, and about those *.exe apps, no thanks.
Master of Reality:
make coffee... if linux can do it, then i'm sure they could
[ February 18, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
will it be compatible with my orbiting brain lasers?
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
No, '.exe' programs are usually viruses and are altogether evil.
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Well, that brings up some truths but to point out that the reason that most people don't use the mac is the lack of software. Although this is only partially true, if Mac OS XI had the capability of running '.exe ' programs it would attract more users. I am under the impression that '.exe' is the standard windows program, its called something like win32 in my c++ program. If I am wrong please correct me.
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
I don't know exactly what you mean by "professional grade apps", but I think that OS X comes with all the apps a simple user might use.
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What I mean is stuff like Final Cut Pro or DVD studio, I am not saying that these should be incorperated into the Mac OS like preview or itunes but Apple should make more. Some people might say that this would discourage third-parties like Adobe to stop making apps for the mac. I think it would make them create a better application I the idea of making money. I would also like to see more stuff like how the control click on a program by Apple like itunes, brings up choices such as "play" or "pause" in third party apps. I know of none.
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