Operating Systems > macOS

OS X Vs XP Pro and Home

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quote: Just so we're clear on this - Symantec / Norton is almost as bad with their pricing as Microsoft. If someone's seriously considering PCanywhere over, say, Terminal Services or RealVNC, they need a CAT scan. Badly.  
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agreed, i was just making a point, also, that for almost any piece of software out there, there is an open source / free or both, version out there.


quote:Originally posted by londonboi2k4:

agreed, i was just making a point, also, that for almost any piece of software out there, there is an open source / free or both, version out there.
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As was I - we're in agreement here, bro.   ;)

I've seen that site before and never liked it. Their analysis was thorough, but they describe aspects where X is clearly superior to XP, but give them the same numerical scores. That always bugged me.


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