Operating Systems > macOS
Experts explode 'Mac is safer' myth
There have been 3 known Linux virii. 2 are absolutely harmless, while the other can cause serious damge only if it's run as root.
Oh and please check Windows XP User #5225982375's profile. He is 11. I have nothing against 11 year olds. Just aren't they too young to make these kinda of decsions, and to try to prove people wrong like this?
Macs can not be affected by Windows virii, and only MS Office macro viruses will affect them. Hmm... Perhaps they shouldn't use Office. And I think OSX can be infected by those 3 Linux viruses, but again the serious one needs to be run as root to do damage.
EDIT: i have a small collection of I think 5 windows virii in my Home directory in Linux, just waiting for the right moment to use them. Perhaps I should get more.
[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Heru ]
Hey Windows XP Luser #whateverthefuck, Mac users don't have to run all their weird-ass virus programs all the time! If anything, you've helped our argument that Windows sucks and Windoids are as dumb as hell.
[stupid drivel again, dipshit, these forums are moderated, say something sensible or we ban you. have a nice day]
[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
You seem very excitable. Why don't you take some caffeinated penguin pills and have a lie down? Maybe you can't take it when someone critisizes the platform that you and so many Mac users so militantly defend, or maybe you actually have a point. I have several points, all over my head (see my profile picture). Considering the Mac has only not much of the market, it is a wonder Mac viruses get spread around at all. I mean, none of the Mac users I know have internet, and they all live on little islands out in the middle of the ocean, so how could they get a virus? Also I bet Mac users are all too dumb to write a virus! Hur hur hur! Anyway you need VisualC++ or VisualBasic6 to write a good virus and Macs have none of those!
PS I never get viruses on my PC; Actually I might have, but I am clever so I don't have any antivirus software. I heard none of you Linux g33ks have antivirus software so I uninstalled mine and I have never had a virus warning since! Oh yes, and it only took me three hours, six restarts and two reinstalls of Windows to uninstall my antivisur program, I'd like to see Macs have that sort of interactivity!
I run Windows update often and don't pay attention to all the personal information that Microsoft collects about me to sell on to third party advertisers. And I like to open strange attachments in Outlook, which I also keep running all the time... geeze you guys think we windows folk are stupid and never patch our computers? I patch mine all the time, this newest one I got increases the number of crashes I get by almost twice as much! Only a moron would use Windows a virus these days.
I leave for a weekend and this place goes to shit.. I'll clean up the blatant trolls tomorrow before this thing starts looking like comp.sys.mac.advocacy
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