Operating Systems > macOS

Experts explode 'Mac is safer' myth

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quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
PS I never get viruses on my PC; I run Windows update often and don't open strange attachments in Outlook, which I also keep updated... geeze you guys think we windows folk are stupid and never patch our computers?  Only a moron would get a virus these days.[/QB]
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All incendiary comentary aside. Have you ever used Linux or MacOS X?

I think you may be quite surprised how far beyond your perception they are.

Well, since you seem to be a moron enough to be coming back for more, there's a question for you: Have you ever tried out MacOSX or Linux, as psyjax pointed out? I don't think you ever did, although you're propably answer that you have just to get on our nerves! Something more. I'm not in any way suggesting that Windoze users are mentally inferior than Linux users for instance! But there's always the exception to the rule! And you seem to qualify  :D

Master of Reality:

quote:It is a misconception commonly shared by users of the Linux operating system.  
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find me someone who has had a (succesful) virus on their linux machine.... In fact there is someone that is offering $2000 if you can succesfully onfect their linux machine. (i will try to find the link).

quote:In the past even the US Army has moved its web servers over to MacOS in the mistaken belief that they will be more secure.
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Microsoft was pressuring the DOD to use Windows, so the department of Defense did a lot of research on open-source *nix compared to closed source Windows... and well long story short, they are now using *nix (which is exactly what MacOSX is)

oh, yeah... i love using my linux computer as a windows viru incubator  

hey XP user go here
(no one else click that link!!!!!well... maybe goosenbury)

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]


quote:Originally posted by Master of Reality:
go here

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That only works with Win9x d00d. Obviously the other guy is using Windows XP(which is a variant of NT) so that will not cause his system to crash. ;P

I don


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