Author Topic: Showin' off!  (Read 2046 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 5 May 2002, 12:13 »
I had a whole section at my site on images from OS X for a while. I should have downloaded them, because Artificial Cheese .com took them off their site. A shame, they were really nice images.

Nice site psyjax. You should start and evangelising site. You could call it "The Psyjax Revolution". Uhh... nevermind.


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« Reply #16 on: 5 May 2002, 12:19 »
I will have some images up here in a little bit. If any PC lusers or Windoids (both terms I think apply to Zombie5235somethingorother) are reading this, come back in a little bit and take a look. Maybe they will change your mind about Mac.


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« Reply #17 on: 5 May 2002, 12:45 »
Originally posted by Macman:
I will have some images up here in a little bit. If any PC lusers or Windoids (both terms I think apply to Zombie5235somethingorother) are reading this, come back in a little bit and take a look. Maybe they will change your mind about Mac.

Try out, your iTools acount. It's fantastic! No banners, and 50MB of free webspace.

Also, don't forget the Grab application in your Utillities folder. It helps alot with screenshots.

Make sure you reduce them for the web under photoshop or whatever you are using.


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« Reply #18 on: 5 May 2002, 17:50 »
what is this PC lusers crap that you keep harping on about, MacMan? Apple computer first coined the phrase "personal computer", does this qualify you as the ultimate luser? are you really saying all users of personal computers are losers? because the implication is that if everybody wanted to stop being a loser, they should all use a Mac, this would make Apple an even worse monopoly than M$ and i'm afraid i would have to kill you!  :D
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« Reply #19 on: 6 May 2002, 13:14 »
Okay, lets get this straight: a PC luser is someone who blindly uses Windows and resents any other platform/OS other than his own. They are usually weak-willed with large egos and M$ has taken perfect advantage of this. Not everyone who uses a PC is a PC luser. Windows-users aren't necessarily PC lusers either, just as long as they realize how crummy their OS is. As long as they don't support M$ in any way, Linux (and all those other obscure OSs) people are fine by me. I've never used Linux, seen Linux, or heard anything bad about it. A Windoid is essentially the same thing as a PC luser.

I hope that clears it up.


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« Reply #20 on: 6 May 2002, 13:25 »
Also, I think you know full well the use of the letters PC. If you really want to nitpick, I suppose Macs are PCs as well (hell, it says PowerPC on the side of my Performa) but PC is commonly used in reference to non-Mac computers primarily designed to run Windows. I think you know this already.


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« Reply #21 on: 6 May 2002, 16:44 »
that does clear it up fine, and i now understand exactly what you mean (and incidentally agree with you), but i still think that your terminology is very misleading for anyone who sees the term PC luser before reading your little explanation here.

Yes, i am aware that PC tends to describe ix86 style computer setups, but like you say, a lot of Macs do have PC written on them, and there are quite a few Sun boxes and so on that easily fit into the PC category at a glance, but many PC type machines simply could not run windows. It's just the home computer thing (which is very high profile) that makes the average person refer to ix86 computers as PCs as if they are the only type of computer that exists. It's not up to people who do know the difference to perpetuate the myth...
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