Author Topic: Japan wants to switch to open source  (Read 1193 times)


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Japan wants to switch to open source
« Reply #15 on: 26 November 2002, 11:18 »
Let him have an opinion, and ill have mine

Microsoft Windows XP is fucking shit. It is not the most easy to use platform just the easyiest to get. IE 6.0 is not the best, its just the one that goes with the most popular Operating System, and more pages try to support it.

Every time Microsoft fix a small bug they make it an x. up release (Mozilla would be 111.11 if they did Microsofts release style).

If IE was made Open Source V4 would have been 0.4

Who would use a browser that cant do transperant pngs.


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Japan wants to switch to open source
« Reply #16 on: 26 November 2002, 13:11 »
Ive never lived in a small town before, but after visiting and everything being so far away and jobs being very hard to find and having nothing to do would suck. Kansas City isnt exactly a big city either, with a metropolitan area that totals at only around 2 million people, we have lots of space. Yet we have many of the conveniences of larger cities.
Kansas City Hustle


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Japan wants to switch to open source
« Reply #17 on: 27 November 2002, 12:23 »
China is also seen as another Asian stronghold for open-source software.  

I was just thinking how ironic it is that a communist country would like open source.

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Japan wants to switch to open source
« Reply #18 on: 27 November 2002, 13:13 »
Actually the concept of taking power from the elite few, focusing on cooperation instead of competition, and providing the working class with the means of production are some of the basic tenants of Communism.  Communism as stated by Marx was not supposed to be a society with a strict government controlling all actions of the people, it was meant to take power from the elite and give it to the people.  This would lead to slightly less freedom for the individual but more for the masses  (one would not have the freedom to be a billionair, but there wouldn't be people starving either).  This isn't whats taught in schools, but its the truth, actually Communism as practiced by the USSR, China and Cuba is not much at all what true Communism was meant to be.  Any true communist would embrace Open Source Software (OSS).  OSS actually in a way proves that there is some truth to the arguements made by Marxists.  That people can work together and create somthing wonderful without a single corporation head controlling everything.  In schools, we are taught that Communism = an evil totalitarian government that opresses the people.  This is not true, Marxism is just a different way of doing things.  China embraces OSS because they do not want to be dependant on a single large corporation --which is just what Communism is (supposed to be at least) all about.

Disclaimer:  I am not a Communist OR a Capitalist, I know that both ways have advantages and disadvantages, and believe there is room for middle ground.


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Japan wants to switch to open source
« Reply #19 on: 28 November 2002, 08:19 »
It's kinda funny how sooooo many things only work properly at the middle ground...
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality