Operating Systems > macOS

Better safe than sorry!?

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we have had the virus-virii debate on this forum before.

First, I said PREFERRED, not obligatory. It is tolerated to say 'viruses', but 'virii' is considered better usage, as I've been taught in college. Don't blame me, I didn't create the English language.

If it is of any interest, in French it is considered good usage to use the French plural for foreign words. As such, we say << des spaghettis >>, while 'virus' as in << des virus >> is invariable. But since the main language of this Forum is English, it is best to follow the rules of the English language.

if i knew another language, i would be sure to post only in that language, just to piss x11 off.   :D

i would be better if actually knew the language(s).

Could someone re-delete X11's posts and get this thread normal again? I agree, virii.


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